
Reflecting on June

I played for about an hour last night, just cash game and a couple of $2 SNGs. I did well in the cash game, but didn't cash in either SNG. One of them I played bad early and the other I played well but kept getting outdrawn.

I did run good in the cash game, including a nice runner runner pot with Tens against AQ. The short stacked villain limp/called my raise and then check raised my cbet on the Q high flop with only one over to my pair. I was committed, called and hit two runners for a straight. I'd say that makes up for my boat cooler the other day.

I finished my spreadsheet for June and looked over some of the stats. My win rate in turbo heads up sngs was around 60% which is close to normal and respectable. I was a small winner in 6 max ring games, but not much. The last full ring cash games I've been playing I won a really decent amount so I'm really going to start playing those more. I'm sure the tournaments are my fucking big losses for the month. Not including the $50 that I deposited with the intention of pissing away I lost 20 bucks overall.

I've lost my analytical spark this week and I need to get it back. It seems like my latest threads on 2+2 have died a quick death too. I've just been really obsessive as of late. It's a strain on my relationship and I need to stop. Maybe this full ring cash + $2 SNG strategy will help. Other thing I need to work on badly is keeping better notes as I play, especially on player stats/image, etc.

Grats to Scotty Nguyen and JC Tran for their new bracelets. Well deserved.

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