
Close no cigar

Didn't wait to use the token. Entered the DS 90 man knockout last night and just missed the money. :/ 12/90 and 9 cash. I played a few hands well I thought. My big chip up the first hour I raised an ep limper in late position with 9T spades. He called and the flop came Q 5 x with two spades. Limper led for 320, just under 1/2 pot and I called. Turn is the A of spade and villaing bets roughly 1200 and I call with about the same behind. Turn's a blank and he shoves I call and he tables A5 two pair and I cripple him. Pity I didn't have him covered because that would have been a bounty.

I typically ignore the bounties because I've always found that they make me do some really retarded things in attempts to isolate the short stack shovers. But in this case the short stack was in late position directly to my right and everyone folded before him. So I picked up 88 and reraised and everyone else folded. SS had A6o and I held for $4. Small consolation for not cashing.

The one hand I have to say I was proud of wasn't particularly outstanding but I just thought it showed good discipline. It was late in the game close to the money. I'm short stacked with just under 10bbs and I'm in the big blind. The guy on my right had just won the last pot. Everyone folds to him and he limps in the small blind, I have 82o and briefly consider shoving. For some odd reason I have a feeling he's trapping here with a good hand. I have no reason for it but that was my gut reaction so I check. Flop is A 9 x I hit nothing. We both check. Turn is a blank, check around again. Then the 8 hits the river and he min bets 600. I have like 5200 so even though it's a minimum bet it's over 10% of my stack and I could very easily have the worst hand. I mean he could have a 9 or a better 8. So I typed "damn river" and laid the hand down. I don't know what the guy had but he claimed a nine.

Man it sucked getting close to the final table like that but I wasn't upset at all when I busted. I can feel a bankroll boost coming soon, just have to stay positive and manage that money well again. I'm disappointed that the 2nd place $3.30 MTT money is pretty much gone at this point, but I have no one to blame but myself. Honestly I don't think $100 makes much difference at this point. Variance is too much of a bitch. I'm hoping all this SNG play will help alleviate it and keep me even until the big score. I feel like I'm playing these well and am cashing a decent amount. Just doesn't seem hard or intimidating knowing 33% of the field gets paid.

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