
And now for something completely different!

This post will have nothing to do with poker. I wanted to post clips of my favorite show on TV: So You Think You Can Dance. This show is 10 times better than Dancing with the Stars because all the dancers are young and know what they're doing. They're forced to dance styles that aren't their own and the choreographers they use are by and large fantastic. My top 3 couples are Katee and Joshua who have killed every routine they've been given so far, Mark and Chelsea who have great chemistry, and Kherington and Twitch who are just full of personality. Here's some of my favorite routines from last night's episode:

Katee and Joshua - Contemporary

Gev and Courtney - Hip Hop

Jessica and Will - Lyrical Jazz

Kherington and Twitch - Contemporary

Mark and Chelsea - Foxtrot

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