

I haven't blogged in over a week because I've gone back into obsessed mode and have been playing WAY more than I should. My results are exemplary of this too.

I haven't analyzed anything since my 2.25 6 max final table, which I just realized I havne't posted here yet. So yeah last week I final tabled a $2 6 max tourney, 4/137 I think. I was happy to get that far. I thought I played well but I did kind of gamble at the end of the first hour to get a nice big stack.

I basically went on a two day bender and that was the end of it, making up for all the $ I had lost. Kristina stayed at her parents on Tuesday night so I played most of the night, then went to Fowlers and final tabled the 9pm session. Came back, played some more.

Then the next morning I called in sick to work and played all day at home too. I actually pissed Kristina off with my final table because when she came back I was in it and on my way. So I ended up playing for over 2 hours after she had gotten back from being gone for over 24 hours. Clearly I should have never entered it, which is of course why i did so well. Poker teaching me a lesson.

This weekend I've been playing a lot of $2.25 SNG's. I won't ever play the $1 again because of the rake. Someone on 2+2 pointed it out to me so thanks person! I've also been throwing in some full ring games which I think I basically broke even. There was a sick hand yesterday where I limped in late position with 22 and there were several players involved. Flop is 9 9 6 and everyone checks around. Turn is the 2 and a guy min bets, I raise and he min reraises me. At this point I'm thinking he definitely has a 9 and I'm going to double. WRONG. He's flopped a boat with 66 and he checks it to me on the river. I bet, he c/raises and I get stacked. Oh well just poker.

Maybe I'll post some hands at lunch today. Peace.

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