
$50 for a night

Decided to do something I haven't done in a while last night: deposit. I really just wanted to put in $22 to play the heads up MTT, but minimum is $50 so that's what I did.

Heads up tourney, I doubled barreled T7o with nothing early and lost half my stack. Just hung in until the blinds got high and then ran good in a couple of 60/40s to come back. 2nd match I decided to play my more aggressive self and started out good, was controlling the match. Lost KK all in preflop to AJ when he made a boat and then just never recovered.

I was thinking last night in my heads up matches that the type of players I often lose against thorough my own fault are passive ones, probably because it's an antithesis to my style. So I feel like changing up my style a bit and start checking behind flops, throwing in a few button limps instead of always raising 3x or 2.5x and cbetting flops.

More or less I'm trying to maybe mix up my play a little bit more without straying too far for my usual tactics.

Took the rest of my deposit to a $26 DS KO SNG 90 man and came up just short of final table. I mainly got lucky in spots early and failed to accumulate chips later. I did knock out 3 people to offset some of the cost. But that's besides the point because I blew that in the $11 45 man really late, and eventually fell asleep on the couch midway through. LOL

Going to play the big live donkament on Saturday for TFPL. It's been a while since I've played one, figured I'd give it another go since I know people who can pull strings and get me in.

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