
You tried to give em to me..

Played cash game for a little bit online before falling asleep. First table I sit at is just one other person with $4 bucks. Mind you this is pot limit holdem, and we get it all in preflop first hand. I have AQ in the bb he has JJ. Flop comes Q J x. Turn is a blank. River another Q giving him the boat. Ooopsie. Guess I was in a gambling mood. Actually with that flop I would've gotten the $ in anyway so it really didn't matter in the end.

FTP's system has been crashing the last couple of nights and so I got booted not long after.

Came back and sat down in a full .5/.10 game. I get QQ in mp, a few limpers in front of me plus a couple of people who've posted to get in. I raise it up to .60 and I get 3 callers. Flop is 6 6 5 with two clubs. I've got all 3 covered, the guy with the most $ has just over $5 and the lowest only has like $2.50 or something. So I bet 1.75, more than half the pot. The guy with the most $ calls very quickly and the other two fold. At this point I'm putting this guy on an overpair but lower than my Queens and so I'm really confident he's ready to get the rest of his money in. Turn is another 6, giving me a boat. So I push all in and he calls the rest of his money with AJo, no pair and no real draw. He spikes the muthafuckin A on the river.

He tried to give em to me...

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