
Man I wish I had some of my hand histories from the cash games last night because I was just beating the hell out of the fish last night. It just seemed like I was in the zone, getting them to do exactly what I wanted them to. I was also getting cards too which helps.

I took a shot in a $22 2 table SNG, and bubbled unfortunately. It sucked because I was like 3rd in chips when we were six handed and I played one hand really bad. I was out of position against one of the two chip leaders and I was trying to bluff him out. He baby raised to 240 pf and I called. Then I tried a standard buy attempt on the flop for 800. Well he called and I should've shut down right then and there, even though I had picked up a flush draw. Instead I bet 1000 and he called. I missed the river and he bet half my chips forcing me to fold.

Then I pushed KQs after he pot raised from the cutoff and he turned over JJ and they held. Doh! Perfect poker dammit perfect poker! I keep forgetting! That could've easily been a cash, and maybe a $144 payout had I not brain farted.

It's ok, I'm still hovering around $500 for my roll. The next big payout will be soon, very very soon. I can feel it.....

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