
Well I was able to accomplish my goal of playing only about ten hours online last week, beginning on Monday. I put in about 4 hours on Tuesday, and then another 3 or so Saturday morning. Then I actually started playing on Bodog again yesterday, cash game for about 45 minutes. I lost my $10 buyin for the session, busting on an interesting hand.

I was on the deal with AJo and there were a ton of limpers. I decided to just see a flop cheaply and limped. Then the BB makes a small raise to .30 and a couple people call a couple fold, I call and we take a flop. J K x rainbow. The BB leads out for a very small bet, like .35 or something significantly less than the pot. I'm the only caller. I still wasn't quite sure where I was at because I didn't raise preflop but I can't fold for that price.

Turn is a Q of hearts. BB leads out for .50, another significant underbet. At this point I'm putting him on a small pair or just something very very weak because of the betting. So I decide to pop it up here and find out where I'm at and I raise it to $2 straight, leaving me with a little over $2 behind. BB calls the bet.

River is a T of hearts. So now I have an A high straight but there are 3 hearts out there. I'm positive I've just sucked out the winning hand because now I'm thinking he has the top pair or maybe even two pair. I'm pretty committed anyways so I shove and he calls and shows J8h for a rivered flush.

Obviously this guy's an idiot for small raising from the bb with J8h, but that's extremely typical for Bodog. People making teeny raises out of positions with weak hands. However, I could've played the hand much better myself. First off I should've raised preflop on the button with my AJ. The reason I didn't was because I know AJ is marginal, easily dominated and I wanted to see a cheap flop with many people and hope to flop big. But the real reason I should've raised was because of my position and all the weak limpers in front of me. I mean half of them folded to his teeny .20 raise.

The other thing I could've done better was raise the flop to see where I'm at. Then bet the turn to follow up. But like they say hindsight is always 20/20.

Other than that I was pretty break even on Full Tilt Saturday. I was doing pretty well in a $5 MTT but lost two big hands where I was a dominating favorite, otherwise I'd have been chipped up very nicely. I need to remember to not mock bad players in the chat because it seems like when I do (in tourney anyway) they end up taking me out. It's extremely embarrasing.

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