
You tried to give em to me..

Played cash game for a little bit online before falling asleep. First table I sit at is just one other person with $4 bucks. Mind you this is pot limit holdem, and we get it all in preflop first hand. I have AQ in the bb he has JJ. Flop comes Q J x. Turn is a blank. River another Q giving him the boat. Ooopsie. Guess I was in a gambling mood. Actually with that flop I would've gotten the $ in anyway so it really didn't matter in the end.

FTP's system has been crashing the last couple of nights and so I got booted not long after.

Came back and sat down in a full .5/.10 game. I get QQ in mp, a few limpers in front of me plus a couple of people who've posted to get in. I raise it up to .60 and I get 3 callers. Flop is 6 6 5 with two clubs. I've got all 3 covered, the guy with the most $ has just over $5 and the lowest only has like $2.50 or something. So I bet 1.75, more than half the pot. The guy with the most $ calls very quickly and the other two fold. At this point I'm putting this guy on an overpair but lower than my Queens and so I'm really confident he's ready to get the rest of his money in. Turn is another 6, giving me a boat. So I push all in and he calls the rest of his money with AJo, no pair and no real draw. He spikes the muthafuckin A on the river.

He tried to give em to me...


Man I wish I had some of my hand histories from the cash games last night because I was just beating the hell out of the fish last night. It just seemed like I was in the zone, getting them to do exactly what I wanted them to. I was also getting cards too which helps.

I took a shot in a $22 2 table SNG, and bubbled unfortunately. It sucked because I was like 3rd in chips when we were six handed and I played one hand really bad. I was out of position against one of the two chip leaders and I was trying to bluff him out. He baby raised to 240 pf and I called. Then I tried a standard buy attempt on the flop for 800. Well he called and I should've shut down right then and there, even though I had picked up a flush draw. Instead I bet 1000 and he called. I missed the river and he bet half my chips forcing me to fold.

Then I pushed KQs after he pot raised from the cutoff and he turned over JJ and they held. Doh! Perfect poker dammit perfect poker! I keep forgetting! That could've easily been a cash, and maybe a $144 payout had I not brain farted.

It's ok, I'm still hovering around $500 for my roll. The next big payout will be soon, very very soon. I can feel it.....



I got home after work last night and sat down in a .5/.10 cash game. There was a player there named Iblufftheriver. I was looking at his name and thinking, I wonder if that's really true. So I decided that I was going to check a river to him and see if he really did bluff the river.

I picked up an AK against him early and re-popped his .35 raise to $1. I hit the TPTK on the flop and led for another buck, making it a $3 pot now. He raised it $2 more and he had about $3.85 behind so I just shoved on him there. He folded and I took it down.

That set up this hand. I have TT in the sb. IBlufftheRiver raises to .35 again. This time I just raise it up to 80 cents. He calls and we're heads up again. I flop a ten and lead out for .75, he calls. Turn brings a 2nd diamond and a straight draw. I bet 1.25 and I'm pretty sure he raised me up to like 3 something and I just called. River puts a 4 card straight on the board and I'm a little nervous but I still think I have the best hand and decide to go for the check/call. Sure enough he bets out $4 and some change and I call and he turns over K5d for a busted flush draw.

What do you know, IBlufftheRiver lived up to his name! It's so funny when people give you way too much information about their play. My friend Craig is the WORST when it comes to this. He thinks he's being really friendly/tricky by saying he has a pair, or "I'm on a flush draw come on diamond!". I keep telling him he's lucky no one's consistently playing back at him because he's basically telling the truth 95% of the time. If people would just pay attention and listen to him he'd be losing so much money and wondering why. I think I've figured out too that when he shuts up he's most likely on a bluff.


Exciting night

Watching the Russian make a run for it was soo much fun last night. We were playing a cash game and watching the final table last night and when I first got to Pat's Alex shoved for 2.7 mill with KJs and was isolated by Kahn with 33. He hit the J on the turn.

The most exciting hand by far was the 33 for Alex against Jerry's KQo. I was bragging and cheering Alex on the whole time throughout our game and when they turned their cards up I was like "3 on the flop!". And sure enough, the 3 of hearts hit.

Then there was Alex's AT vs Jerry's JT preflop. That call in addition to Jerry's A9 to take out Watkinson were very weak IMO, and I really thought based on his play that Jerry was going to give away that massive chip lead. He did give more to Alex with AT vs Alex's KK which was another super exciting hand.

But alas when I woke this morning I realized Jerry had won, and Alex had lost a big coinflip with AK against Jerry's 88 when and 8 flopped.

I did well in the case game, cashed out for $110 roughly. One of my best sessions so far this year. The cards were definitely with me though. Two riverboats and getting lots of $ in will lead to some nice payouts.


My pick for the WSOP this year

So I only have like 23 bucks left on Bodog, and I really haven't played there at all in the last couple of months. The WSOP Final Table is tomorrow so I've decided to take what's left in my account and put a bet on Alex Kravchenko (sp?) to win the whole thing.

He's the underdog and the short stack coming to the final table. And I don't really know much about his playing ability but I do know I've been seeing his name pop up a lot recently. He went deep in the Mandalay Bay WPT event not long ago, he's already won one bracelet this year in Omaha Hi/Lo, and he's also cashed like 4 other times in the WSOP this year in addition to that.

He's got 6 million in chips, he doubles up once and he can do something. I hear he's got a WICKED poker face too.

If he does it for me I'll have over $200 in my account to blow. :)

Go Russia!

Brief Weekend Report

Kristina spent the weekend at her mom's, so I ended up putting in a lot of hours this weekend.

I took 38/1710 players in a $11 Midnight Madness tournament. I've figured out that my best MTT results come from when I play super squeeky tight and very selective aggressive. Usually all in or fold in most cases because the blinds get high.

That's what I did in this tournament and I did what I could to survive the late rounds but unfortunately I just couldn't pick up a strong hand to double up and make a run at the final table. I eventually pushed KJs utg and ran into AK. I hit the 2nd diamond on the turn but was unable to go runner runner to double.

I'm happy that this is like the 3rd big MTT that I've finished well in this month. I had the 3rd in the $3 turbo against like 600 people. Then I had another cash in a $5 MTT this month too where it was like 19/400 something I think.

It's really making me want to focus more energy on them. Getting so close to the 4 figure payouts just makes me HUUUUNNNNGGGRRRYYYY.


Taking a shot in the 24K

Earned a couple of tokens over the weekend and since Kristina was working last night I decided to take a stab at the double stack 24k guarantee. It had over 1200 player and the top 180 get paid with first being about 5700.

Here are some of the key hands:

Full Tilt Poker Game #2899961707: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
25/50 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:27:57 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (2,820)
Seat 2: MonsterPottan (1,800)
Seat 3: boom618 (2,800)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (1,475)
Seat 5: joeydip (4,590)
Seat 6: Dray (3,615)
Seat 7: Trace2016 (2,795)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (7,305)
Seat 9: terhahn (2,580)
boom618 posts the small blind of 25
F15-Eagles posts the big blind of 50
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ad Ac]
joeydip folds
Dray raises to 150
Trace2016 folds
wildcards1 folds
terhahn folds
kolr folds
MonsterPottan calls 150
boom618 folds
F15-Eagles folds
*** FLOP *** [4h 7h 6h]
Dray bets 250
MonsterPottan raises to 500
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to 3,465, and is all in
MonsterPottan calls 1,150, and is all in
Dray shows [Ad Ac]
MonsterPottan shows [Js Jh]
Uncalled bet of 1,815 returned to Dray
*** TURN *** [4h 7h 6h] [4d]
*** RIVER *** [4h 7h 6h 4d] [Ks]
Dray shows two pair, Aces and Fours
MonsterPottan shows two pair, Jacks and Fours
Dray wins the pot (3,675) with two pair, Aces and Fours
MonsterPottan stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3,675 | Rake 0
Board: [4h 7h 6h 4d Ks]
Seat 1: kolr didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: MonsterPottan (button) showed [Js Jh] and lost with two pair, Jacks
and Fours
Seat 3: boom618 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: joeydip didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Dray showed [Ad Ac] and won (3,675) with two pair, Aces and Fours
Seat 7: Trace2016 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: wildcards1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: terhahn didn't bet (folded)

I'm not sure if I played this one correctly, but I was really going on my gut more than anything. And once he raised it up on the flop I really thought he had high cards, like AK AQ something like that. After the smooth call on the flop I was starting to think he might have a lower pp than me but that my hand was still good. But then the overcard hits and I shove? I think the reason was I was still going on my gut, and at that point the pot was big that if I wanted it I was going to have to take it down right there.

Full Tilt Poker Game #2900168683: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 20:48:44 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (3,660)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (2,640)
Seat 3: boom618 (4,515)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (1,100)
Seat 5: joeydip (5,480)
Seat 6: Dray (5,225)
Seat 7: Trace2016 (1,865)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (5,975)
Seat 9: terhahn (2,120)
joeydip posts the small blind of 40
Dray posts the big blind of 80
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Td Tc]
Trace2016 has 15 seconds left to act
Trace2016 calls 80
wildcards1 folds
terhahn folds
kolr raises to 320
CrispyLinetta folds
boom618 folds
F15-Eagles folds
joeydip folds
Dray calls 240
Trace2016 folds
*** FLOP *** [7d 3s 6h]
Dray bets 480
kolr has 15 seconds left to act
kolr raises to 1,200
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray calls 720
*** TURN *** [7d 3s 6h] [Jh]
Dray bets 3,705, and is all in
kolr has 15 seconds left to act
kolr folds
Uncalled bet of 3,705 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot (3,160)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3,160 | Rake 0
Board: [7d 3s 6h Jh]
Seat 1: kolr folded on the Turn
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boom618 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: joeydip (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Dray (big blind) collected (3,160), mucked
Seat 7: Trace2016 folded before the Flop
Seat 8: wildcards1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: terhahn didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #2900556440: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:26:47 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (1,880)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (4,170)
Seat 3: boom618 (6,700)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (6,020)
Seat 5: joeydip (6,540)
Seat 6: Dray (5,175)
Seat 7: DAFORT (7,355)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (595), is sitting out
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH (2,470)
wildcards1 posts the small blind of 80
fAcesHiigH posts the big blind of 160
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Kc Ac]
kolr folds
CrispyLinetta folds
boom618 calls 160
F15-Eagles folds
joeydip raises to 320
Dray calls 320
DAFORT folds
wildcards1 folds
fAcesHiigH folds
boom618 calls 160
*** FLOP *** [Kd 6d Kh]
boom618 bets 160
joeydip calls 160
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to 900
boom618 folds
joeydip folds
Uncalled bet of 740 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot (1,680)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,680 | Rake 0
Board: [Kd 6d Kh]
Seat 1: kolr didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boom618 folded on the Flop
Seat 4: F15-Eagles didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: joeydip folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Dray collected (1,680), mucked
Seat 7: DAFORT (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH (big blind) folded before the Flop

Full Tilt Poker Game #2900576974: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:28:45 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (2,200)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (4,010)
Seat 3: boom618 (6,060)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (5,860)
Seat 5: joeydip (6,060)
Seat 6: Dray (6,375)
Seat 7: DAFORT (7,595)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (515), is sitting out
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH (2,230)
CrispyLinetta posts the small blind of 100
boom618 posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qh Kd]
F15-Eagles folds
joeydip folds
Dray raises to 600
DAFORT folds
wildcards1 folds
fAcesHiigH folds
kolr calls 600
CrispyLinetta folds
boom618 raises to 2,200
Dray folds
kolr folds
Uncalled bet of 1,600 returned to boom618
boom618 mucks
boom618 wins the pot (1,900)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,900 | Rake 0
Seat 1: kolr (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boom618 (big blind) collected (1,900), mucked
Seat 4: F15-Eagles didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: joeydip didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Dray folded before the Flop
Seat 7: DAFORT didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: wildcards1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #2900583182: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:29:21 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (1,600)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (3,910)
Seat 3: boom618 (7,360)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (5,860)
Seat 5: joeydip (6,060)
Seat 6: Dray (5,775)
Seat 7: DAFORT (7,595)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (515), is sitting out
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH (2,230)
boom618 posts the small blind of 100
F15-Eagles posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Kh Qd]
joeydip calls 200
Dray calls 200
DAFORT folds
wildcards1 folds
fAcesHiigH folds
kolr folds
CrispyLinetta folds
boom618 calls 100
F15-Eagles checks
*** FLOP *** [8s Kd 8h]
boom618 checks
F15-Eagles bets 200
joeydip calls 200
Dray raises to 1,200
boom618 folds
F15-Eagles has 15 seconds left to act
F15-Eagles folds
joeydip has 15 seconds left to act
joeydip folds
Uncalled bet of 1,000 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot (1,400)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,400 | Rake 0
Board: [8s Kd 8h]
Seat 1: kolr didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boom618 (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 5: joeydip folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Dray collected (1,400), mucked
Seat 7: DAFORT didn't bet (folded)
Seat 8: wildcards1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #2900594519: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:30:27 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (1,600)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (3,910)
Seat 3: boom618 (7,160)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (5,460)
Seat 5: joeydip (5,660)
Seat 6: Dray (6,775)
Seat 7: DAFORT (7,595)
Seat 8: wildcards1 (515), is sitting out
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH (2,230)
F15-Eagles posts the small blind of 100
joeydip posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #3
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [As Js]
Dray folds
preppunk10 (Observer): im out..
DAFORT raises to 500
wildcards1 folds
fAcesHiigH folds
kolr folds
CrispyLinetta folds
kolr: I saw, sorry man
boom618 folds
F15-Eagles folds
joeydip has 15 seconds left to act
kolr: tough beat
joeydip folds
Uncalled bet of 300 returned to DAFORT
DAFORT mucks
DAFORT wins the pot (500)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 500 | Rake 0
Seat 1: kolr didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: boom618 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: joeydip (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Dray didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: DAFORT collected (500), mucked
Seat 8: wildcards1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: fAcesHiigH didn't bet (folded)

The hand that did it:

Full Tilt Poker Game #2900899029: $24,000 Guarantee (21619892), Table 47 -
200/400 Ante 50 - No Limit Hold'em - 21:58:49 ET - 2007/07/09
Seat 1: kolr (6,630)
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (3,750)
Seat 3: boom618 (7,995)
Seat 4: F15-Eagles (10,540)
Seat 5: rt2k6 (19,575)
Seat 6: Dray (5,385)
Seat 7: DAFORT (8,565)
Seat 8: thccross (5,863)
Seat 9: SkiMoney14 (4,877)
kolr antes 50
CrispyLinetta antes 50
boom618 antes 50
F15-Eagles antes 50
rt2k6 antes 50
Dray antes 50
DAFORT antes 50
thccross antes 50
SkiMoney14 antes 50
CrispyLinetta posts the small blind of 200
boom618 posts the big blind of 400
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [As Kh]
F15-Eagles folds
rt2k6 folds
Dray raises to 1,000
DAFORT folds
thccross folds
SkiMoney14 raises to 4,827, and is all in
kolr folds
CrispyLinetta folds
boom618 folds
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray has requested TIME
Dray calls 3,827
SkiMoney14 shows [Qh Ah]
Dray shows [As Kh]
*** FLOP *** [Jc Kd Ts]
*** TURN *** [Jc Kd Ts] [4c]
*** RIVER *** [Jc Kd Ts 4c] [3d]
Dray: cmon
SkiMoney14 shows a straight, Ace high
Dray shows a pair of Kings
SkiMoney14 wins the pot (10,704) with a straight, Ace high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10,704 | Rake 0
Board: [Jc Kd Ts 4c 3d]
Seat 1: kolr (button) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: CrispyLinetta (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: boom618 (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: F15-Eagles folded before the Flop
Seat 5: rt2k6 folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Dray showed [As Kh] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 7: DAFORT folded before the Flop
Seat 8: thccross folded before the Flop
Seat 9: SkiMoney14 showed [Qh Ah] and won (10,704) with a straight, Ace high


MTT Final Table

Ok so I think I have to give myself a 5 hour allowance because of the holiday, which is probably about what I spent online today because Kristina was out to work.

The day did NOT start well. It seemed like every game I entered I was getting sucked out on by dominated hands. Then I took a break and came over to Aunt Linda's and entered a $3.30 Turbo MTT.

I took 3rd out of 615 people for a payout of just over 150. So that's bumped me back up to $512 for my bankroll. I was a little disappointed with the way I crippled myself when were down to 3, but hey like I said before you have to play perfect poker to win these tournaments. I won't go into detail because it would detract from my overall performance. So thank you poker gods for my first MTT final table in a LONG LONG time!


Well I was able to accomplish my goal of playing only about ten hours online last week, beginning on Monday. I put in about 4 hours on Tuesday, and then another 3 or so Saturday morning. Then I actually started playing on Bodog again yesterday, cash game for about 45 minutes. I lost my $10 buyin for the session, busting on an interesting hand.

I was on the deal with AJo and there were a ton of limpers. I decided to just see a flop cheaply and limped. Then the BB makes a small raise to .30 and a couple people call a couple fold, I call and we take a flop. J K x rainbow. The BB leads out for a very small bet, like .35 or something significantly less than the pot. I'm the only caller. I still wasn't quite sure where I was at because I didn't raise preflop but I can't fold for that price.

Turn is a Q of hearts. BB leads out for .50, another significant underbet. At this point I'm putting him on a small pair or just something very very weak because of the betting. So I decide to pop it up here and find out where I'm at and I raise it to $2 straight, leaving me with a little over $2 behind. BB calls the bet.

River is a T of hearts. So now I have an A high straight but there are 3 hearts out there. I'm positive I've just sucked out the winning hand because now I'm thinking he has the top pair or maybe even two pair. I'm pretty committed anyways so I shove and he calls and shows J8h for a rivered flush.

Obviously this guy's an idiot for small raising from the bb with J8h, but that's extremely typical for Bodog. People making teeny raises out of positions with weak hands. However, I could've played the hand much better myself. First off I should've raised preflop on the button with my AJ. The reason I didn't was because I know AJ is marginal, easily dominated and I wanted to see a cheap flop with many people and hope to flop big. But the real reason I should've raised was because of my position and all the weak limpers in front of me. I mean half of them folded to his teeny .20 raise.

The other thing I could've done better was raise the flop to see where I'm at. Then bet the turn to follow up. But like they say hindsight is always 20/20.

Other than that I was pretty break even on Full Tilt Saturday. I was doing pretty well in a $5 MTT but lost two big hands where I was a dominating favorite, otherwise I'd have been chipped up very nicely. I need to remember to not mock bad players in the chat because it seems like when I do (in tourney anyway) they end up taking me out. It's extremely embarrasing.