
Flight delays meant no Harrah's this weekend :/

I'm not exactly a frequent flyer, but I've never experienced flight delays before. Today I learned what it was like. I was scheduled to leave Austin around 7:30 this morning, connect in Houston and arrive in New Orleans just after 10am. Unfortunately the Austin plane was brand new and we experienced a lot of vibrations on the runways so we turned around and went back to the terminal.

We got put on another flight to Houston immediately but that was still delayed because of all the people from our plane (over 100). I make it to Houston but could not make my connecting flight into New Orleans. I had a choice of waiting for an 11:55 New Orleans flight that had no seat guarantee, or I could get a sure seat on a plane to Lafayette. I took the latter and felt bad my mom drove to NOLA and had to turn right back around and pick me up in Lafayette. But to top it all off you know what? The flight to Lafayette was delayed for over an hour because of a seat maintenance issue! Hey what can you do? I really wasn't perturbed with the overall 3 hour total delay because I wasn't missing out on anything important.

I had a good day once I got here though. Had lunch with Mom. Took a short nap. Got up and ate dinner at my sister's and spent time with my 2 week old niece Kaylee who is incredibly sweet and precious. I get so nervous holding little babies, I'm terrified of dropping them or hurting them in some way. Once I had her I barely shifted her at all for that very reason. But she's so cute and she did wake up and was looking around a lot certain parts of the night. Mom took this picture and it feature's my Obama pin perfectly! (My family is Republican so I wore it to razz everyone, especially my sister) So great.

Another of me and Kaylee:

Ashton fell asleep using Queenie as a pillow LOL:

Kuristin said Ashton and Queenie have ended up face to face asleep before or curled up together, but this scenario was a first and just friggin' funny to see.

Grandma still doesn't know I'm here. She's out of town for a funeral but will be back tomorrow for the party. I can't wait to surprise her. We went to Target after dinner and I got her a new red electric tea kettle that will match her new red kitchen my mom and aunt Lori are giving her. :)

As for poker I just finished up a deep run in a $3.30 turbo 6 max. 12/216 just shy of the final table. I was using M calculations (take the blinds and antes and divide them by your chip stack to determine your plays. Comes from Harrington on Holdem Vol. 2) throughout and that was helping while I played an $11 regular speed tournament at the same time.

The hand that crippled me I had AJ against KQ. Villain was short stacked around 5 big blinds and pushed from early position, I reraise all in to isolate knowing his range was wide and AJ was easily ahead of it. He hits a 4 card flush to double up. I didn't have many chips when the hand started so 2 hands later when I picked up 44 I had to go with it and lost. :( $7 bucks profit woo hoo!

I think mom and I are going to try and drive to Isle of Capri tomorrow night to play some. Even though Harrah's had 1/2 running and is better for my puny bankroll, I would prefer to play at the Isle on a Saturday night than Harrah's on a Friday or Sunday morning just so I can get action with the recreational crowds. Anyone who's playing on Friday or Sunday morning is probably more decent on average than the donks that are there on the weekend nights. We'll see if it happens. I really want to go but I'm struggling internally because that's not really WHY I'm here. Plus I'm going to be here for a week come Christmas time so I'll have opportunity then.

If I do make it'll be same plan as last time: take $100 to the bonus table and try to double it, go sit at 2/4 and try to parlay it into whatever. I'd be happy if I could just freeroll the flight cost and have money to come back with next month. I feel very fortunate to have had live success the last couple of months so that I could fly here and do something spontaneous and fun with my family. Well, that's all I got. Not too much poker I know, but I want to keep adding other content to keep the outside world interested in reading.

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