
I love my 74

Bruce had his 30th bday party last night. We broke out a cash game with the regulars and a few fish who jumped in to blow through 20 bucks quickly. One of his good friends Ernie did it on the very first hand with A9 against KK. Ernie hit 2nd pair and that was good enough! :)

I was able to bluff 74 2/2 last night which was nice. First time is the one I remember most. I bring it in for 80 cents in early position. Eric calls me in the big blind. Flop is K 5 3, all clubs. He leads out for like $1.20 and I pop him up another $3.50. I did not have a club in my hand, but this move is something I picked up watching Cardrunners training vidoes. On a flop of all one suit and someone has a pair it's very hard for them to call without one of that suit in their hand. Eric had KQ and had to lay it down subsequently and because I had position and control of the hand, I took it DOWN BABY! :)

If memory serves me the 2nd time I won was against Pat where he had JJ. Once again I'm first in the pot preflop so I raise to 80 cents. Pat called and I think Eric did too. Flop comes Q x x. I lead out for $2 and Pat calls. The turn is another blank low card, I just have 7 high. I decide to bet $3 so that it looks like I want a call and I'm milking him with a hand like KQ AQ, etc. It worked and he folded and I showed it to him. Hehehe.

I was behind most of the night after I 3bet Eric with AJ for 4.20 and got called in two spots. I pushed my last $7 something after him and the other newbie checked to me on a flop I completely missed. Eric looked me up with 55 and it held for the next 2 streets.

The night got hazy after that but just like last time as the game got more shorthanded I was able to chip up, bluff and do a lot of things I can't always do at a full table of regulars.

Oh yeah the only other memorable hand I played was raising 2.5x to 50 cents with 24c under the gun. Flop comes one club it gets checked around. Turn's another club and I semibluff, get called by Eric. Hit my 3rd club on the river and value bet him, get called. Fun to turn over 24 for the winning hand hehe. Can you tell I was feeling confident and cocky last night?