
2+2 Threads I'm reading this week

News, Views and Gossip (NVG)is the 2+2 subforum where I keep up with just that. All the underground ramblings, scandals are all here.

Big story this week is Clonie Gowen suing Full Tilt. She's seeking 40 million, her 1% deal of the site she estimates to be worth 4 billion. It seems all the FTP pros don't have a written contract as to what they're owed in order to cover their asses from prosecution if the Department of Justice were to ever go there.

Someone posted and old feud between Howard Lederer and Daniel Negreanu. It's from the old rec.gambling.poker newsgroup where a lot of today's superstars were posting before the poker boom in 2003. Apparently DN talked mad shit about Howard's sister Annie Duke, who doesn't have the most endearing reputation these days anyway. Thread starts with HL's post against DN, but if you read further down someone posted a thing from DN detailing all the things Annie did to piss him off in the first place. Captivating stuff.

Oh and to follow up on the 60 minutes story, that thing never aired. It keeps getting pushed back and back so no one really knows when it'll happen. I'm glad I didn't miss it while I was flying back to Austin, but I want to see it already!

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