
Late night cash games this week

So the last two nights I've been up past my bedtime playing nickel/dime cash game with a few sngs thrown in.

I'm embarrassed because Monday night I tilted like I do on rare occasion and lost more than I should have. The dollar amount ended up being around $40, which isn't much on it's own but it equated to over 10% of my roll. Bankroll management says you should never lose more than this in a day and if you do you should take a break.

I started out at cash and was too loose early and had to work from behind right away. But I stayed focused which is a big goal of mine lately and ground it back up. Caught a break when I flopped a set (3 of a kind with a pocket pair in hand) of fours, turned a boat (full house) and my opponent made the nut flush (highest possible) on the river.

The problem started when I misplayed a nut flush draw myself later on against the same villain when he made two pair on the turn. Then another hand not long after I flopped two pair with JT against a guy who flopped a straight. With the last one my instincts were flaring up but I refused to listen.

These two hands reminded me of an old lesson I learned: all it takes is one mistake. That typically refers to tournaments because when you're out you're out. But in this case my mistakes led to tilt, which led me to play longer than I should have and subsequently lose more than I should. I even did the old heads up tilting where I sat in a $5, lost, and then immediately jumped in to a $10 heads up sng and lost that too. The worst thing you can do is move up to higher buyins when you're tilting and losing. It only adds fuel to the fire and that's exactly what I did. I even said out loud "This is stupid but fuck it".

Eh oh well. I don't think I'm actually playing too bad, but I still see a lot of room for improvement. For crying out loud I can't seem to just crush the lowest limit online and it's depressing considering how obsessed I am with this game. Right now I just want to pay more attention to how people are playing and be more adaptive with my strategy. Reflecting back on the last 2 nights sessions I think I could have been more aggressive than I was. Time to attack it again for a little bit.

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