
Weekend report: disappointing

Saturday night I won a seat to the $322 1 million guarantee FTOPS #9 event. So I played in both the FTOPS yesterday.

First one at 1pm I was mixing it up a bit more than usual, but it was a 6max KO event. This FTOPS I've really felt like playing looser than I normally do. I don't know if it's the deep stacks or what, but that's just how it is I guess. Anyways, I lasted about an hour and a half in the KO tourney. Did claim one victim for $20 but that's about it.

Took a break, watched a movie in between tourneys at the in laws.

Came back and doubled my chips in the first hour of the big tourney. Was feeling good, playing good but tight this time. Much more like my previous FTOPS main events. Finally at the 250/500 blinds I was sitting at a table with a LOT of shortstacks so my hand selection was tied up pretty bad. Which in turn led to me getting no action on my good hands until I get AK. Raise to 1250, ss in bb shoves with K7s. I snap call and watch the 7 hit the flop. The brought me down to less than 6K which I shoved after solid utg raises 3x to 1800 with 88, he has QQ obv and I'm out 911/5300+ players and 738 getting paid.

Interestingly enough Erick Lindgren who was the host of the tourney took it all down. Now time to earn a Main Event seat. And then after that, WSOP prelims.....

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