

That's how the weekend was. Bleh.

Saturday was the Fantasy League's big Poker Palooza championship, so I worked that. It was very well organized compared to the last one, which I actually wasn't at but heard plenty of horror stories. It was cool and once we got set up and the tournament was going, I really didn't have much to do. They had so many people working there that I was hanging out chatting it up most of the time.

Played the Hutto tournament and just never got anything going. We started with 5K in chips and I swear I never really got past 6500 if even that. Was eliminated by an old guy in a "Pray Hard 24/7 365" shirt and a WPT hat. Blinds were 200/400 and he open limped utg, I raised to 2K with AQo. Flop came Kxx. He checked, holding chips in his hand like he was ready to call anything. I shoved for 3600 or so and he called with K7s. Turn was another K, river a 7.

I had brought $40 for the cash game which I thought was going to be .25/.50, but they decided to do .50/$1. I wasn't thrilled about it but I came here to play so I decided to just try playing the short stack. I never should've sat down because it was a terrible game. It's not that the players were terrible because that I wouldn't care about, but it was the size of everyone's stack that made it such a bad game. When we first started I had $40, old guy on my left bought in for 20, guy next to him for 200, another guy for 60, old lady for 20 and another for 60. I'm like WTF if you want to buy in so short, why not just play .25/50 and give yourself some playing room?

So yeah bottom line it was a bad idea in general and I was getting very frustrated not being able to play the way I wanted to. I actually should've been out really early but I got lucky and made a guy lay down a wheel to my pp 77. I limped in with it and he was in the bb. The board came 4 3 5. I bet I don't remember how much and he called. Turn was a 2 and he led for $10, and I raised him the rest of my stack which was $9.50 more. He folded thinking I had a 6, and I showed him the sevens. So yeah I got lucky there and was up to $60 something. But then I lost that profit playing KQs. Flop was T 9 x with two spades, and I couldn't get there. :/ Then everything dried up and I couldn't get any kind of playable hand. Every time I tried to speculate and gamble I missed... just a very frustrating night.

And then to top it all off I came home feeling down and that irritated Kristina so much that she actually slept on the couch. On the one hand I need to really work on not letting the swings affect my mood so much and just leaving it all at the poker table. But on the other hand I should be allowed to be upset and that be ok. This is just an issue we have lately where we get upset when the other one is, and it's something we both have to be ok with.

Could've had a bad night after bubbling another $11 45, having a rollercoaster $22 SNG, and losing some in cash. I went to the .25/.50 heads up cash table on tilt and ended up making like $70 after it was all said and done. Bad idea, good results.

FTOPS KO event is this weekend and I'm already in it. Main event is in two weeks and I still need to satellite in. That will probably be a big goal of mine this week and next. So neways, long blog. That should take care of the week.

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