
Can only get better

Got home from the Water Tank last night and immediately ran into set over set in 25NL. Utg raises 3x with AA, I reraise with 77 on btn, he calls. Flop is A 7 x with two hearts, and the rest is history.

There was another tricky hand where I flopped two pair Q5 from the bb on an A Q 5 board. It was just me and the utg limper. I check he bets the pot for .60, I raise him to $2.10, he calls. Turn is a J. I bet $4. At this point he's got $12 left. He calls. River is a K. I check, he shoves and I fold. I'm really not sure what happened this hand. Hands I think he could have very well had for limping utg are AJ, QJ, QT, actualy any kind of suited connector T: T9, TJ, KT, etc.

All in all I lost two buyins at the cash table and then bubbled in the token SNG I was playing. Haven't done that in a while. Folds around to me with 7 left and I've got A9 on the button, I shove and bb wakes up with AK. Egh. That's poker. I just wish variance could be interspersed sometime and not just beat you down all in the same timeframe.

I'm playing a live $40 tourney tomorrow night, and I'm getting staked half my buyin. Other than my Lake Charles trip, it's really the only time I've ever been staked and agreed to split profit. But first should be at least 400-600 bucks so that could be very nice even if chopped. We'll see what happens.

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