
Not much to report

Haven't played a whole lot this week quantity wise. I've played at least once a day but not for very long. Like the other night I played one $6 turbo sng and that was it. Short cash game session last night after Water Tank. Stuff like that.

Sitting on about $700 now.

Not sure if I have a real plan now that FTOPS is over. Tokens OBV. Cash games in between. I'm probably going to shoot for a 750K seat tomorrow night at the station, even though I'm playing cash game live with my buds on Sunday. I can multitable if I need to. :)

I really want another big score so I can throw down on a new car ASAP. Since the state fucked me over on the whole voucher thing, I'm soo ready to ditch my Mazda. The thing I'm looking forward to the most about getting an SUV is being able to fully lay out on lunch break for a nap. :) So sad I know...

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