
FTOPS eh; Tokens yeh

Well FTOPS sucked last night but I have no one to blame but myself for that. I played a bad AJ from the sb, and fell victim to an AQ of a guy I felt was a donk waiting to give his chips away. It was bad and I knew it, so I wasn't really upset after I busted. I knew I fucked up and I knew I should've just folded it from the get go.


I did continue to play throughout the night, including taking a shot at a main event seat that failed, a turbo token mtt that I didn't do so well in, and a $26 DS KO SNG which I took 2nd in for $350. It was a crazy final table to say the least. I sucked out a big river 3 for a set to get up in chips when it was down to 4. It was a shame all the shorties kept doubling becuase the blinds got really high and there was really no play left when it was heads up.

But that win puts me back up to 1K, making up for my losses in January. We'll see how Sunday goes. Saturday night I'll be plugging away at the token games again trying to get into the ME, maybe even the 1 mil guarantee THIS Sunday. Who knows.

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