
The streak continues

Played EXTREMELY patient in our cash game on Sunday and still managed to lose 1/2 a buy in. I hovered around $40 for hours and hours, taking one or two small pots but that's about it. Finally crushed Nick in Omaha to get up there when I flopped the A high straight AND the nut flush draw, which I made on the river.

But then right after that Bruce sucks out on me with QQ against my KK. Bruce raised to .70 and Jason called. I repopped it to $2.70 and they both called. Flop is Q x x. He checks, I bet 4, he raises to 11 and I flat call. Then he instashoves the turn. I've got about what I was at before, just around $40. I fold face up and Bruce shows one of the queens.

He tried to tell me later that he had AQ, but I'm just not buying it. He wouldn't play that hand that fast, there's just no way. I guess I should really thank him for playing it the way he did because I very well could have gone broke. But there were two diamonds on the board and he didn't want to get bluffed off a diamond river which is why he did what he did.

Guy just ran like God though. Trips, straights, just everything.

Craig was gone in less than 2 hours. He lost big pots with weak hands and went on tilt. For instance calling a straddle preflop with T5s on the button. Flopping top and bottom and NOT raising Patrick Lantz's lead out $1 bet that was called by at least one other person. Of course MP hits two pair T7 on the turn and bets like 4 bucks, craig raises another 4 and MP calls. Then I think they both bet like 6 or 8 bucks more on the river. He's looking all confused and robbed, and I'm like "don't play T5". I mean, you ARE creating your own problem by marginal, nothing type hands.

Then later he raises A9o from early position. Flops an A and to his credit he does bet near the pot on the A K x flop. But Nick calls him with QJh and turns a flush draw to go with the gutshot. Craig bet like 6 bucks on the turn and then again when the flush hit the river. Amazingly Nick just check/called and didn't raise the river which I think was a big mistake on his part. Craig could have easiliy gone broke on this hand after investing so much and already being on slight tilt.

Again good hand selection and knowing the table A9o in early position is an easy fold. But even having played it, there's absolutely no reason to bet that river. I mean the guy called you on two streets and not small bets either, he's got SOMETHING.

But here's the problem I have with Craig and other crybabies in poker period: whenever THEY do something horrible and get lucky, they've ALWAYS got an excuse. Whenever someone else does it to them you never hear the end of it, but they're always ready to move on and drop the subject when it's them playing like morons. Craig cracked Travis' AA by check/shoving J7o on a K T 9 board and sucking out the 8 on the river. Craig's excuse? "I'm on tilt and it's yall fault. I'm playing every hand like you guys do".

Craig's final hurrah: 3 betting AJs and calling all in against Rob's 4bet shove preflop. Rob had JJ and sent Craig out very fast. It was very reminiscent of Hutto. I think Craig had somewhere else he wanted to be.

I'm really trying to not give Craig a hard time about poker because he's obviously very self conscious because he's always seeking approval. And it's really hard not to for that very reason. Even when I'm trying not to say anything he's telling me a bad beat story or something. It wouldn't bother me so much if he actually LISTENED AND USED any of the advice I gave him, but it all just goes in one ear and out the other.

Sorry this turned into Craig's blog. If I'd have played any real significant hands other than Bruce's, well I guess this would be an even longer blog.

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