
February recap

First and foremost the BIGGEST news of the month is that Kristina and I are expecting! We've been "at it" for a while now and we didn't think this would happen anytime soon because she doesn't ovulate properly. But last Sunday night when she got back from out of town she took a pregnancy test and it was an instantaneous positive reading. We're both a little worried about the timing of this since I'm out of work. But we have faith that God knows what's going on and that we'll be taken care of in some way shape or form.

As for poker, the SNG experiment went well I think. I'm nowhere close to a reasonable sample size but I definitely put in more volume than I thought I was going to be able to. Here's the breakdown for the month:

120 $2.25 SNGs = $270 invested

11 firsts x $9 = $99
25 seconds x $5.40 = $135
19 thirds x $3.60 = $68.40

$302.40 returned - $32.40 profit

12% ROI (return on investment)
46% cashing rate

Early on I double checked with a new 2+2 friend and he said 45% was a good cash rate to shoot for so that's really the biggest stat to me. Now if I could just get a few more first places dammit. :)

By the way when you're playing 3 games and you cash in all of them it gets REALLY hectic. My computer almost can't handle it. Overall I lost around $16 for the month because of all the damn tournaments I played in. Just goes to show I can't ever stick to ALL of my self imposed rules.


*Lin* said...

YAY!!!! Congrats!!! I know, I know, I'm not exactly mrs. baby-lover, but I'm getting slightly better... And really? If you waited for "the perfect time", it'd never come. Am very happy for you :) Any hopes/ hunches on if its a pink or blue one?

Anonymous said...

Hey Dustin,

Congratulations on the good news! Hope all is going well on the job front. I am still searching myself.

Watchmen came out and was wondering if you wanna get a posse together to go see it sometime this week. Anyway, congrats!
