
Quick summary of the cash game

There ended up being 7 of us altogether. Pat, Travis, Eric, Jason, Herby, Me and Bruce. Pat and Jason I think made about $50 a piece and I ended up like $5. I ended up invested for $40 because I didn't make a ridiculously easy laydown.

It was holdem and I had 92o in the big blind. Bruce was on my left and straddled, a bunch of callers so I decide to look at a flop for a good price. Bruce has the option and mini raises 50 more cents, everyone calls of course. Flop is 994. Everyone checks. Turn's a 6 I think, putting 2 clubs out. I bet $2 and then Jason who's in the small blind check raises $10 on top of it.

So here's why it's the easiest laydown ever: there's no hand I can beat that he plays like that. There's no way he has any big pair because he'd most likely raise it up preflop. He wouldn't call and then call Bruce's mini raise with a hand as strong as Aces Kings or Queens. There's too many people in the pot already. And he wouldn't check it behind on the flop either. Couple all that info with the fact that most people don't have the balls to make huge checkraises on the turn with nothing Jason has to have either a 9 (any kicker is better than mine) or he already has a full house with 44 or 66.

It had been 3 hours or so already and my stack was still basically even and psychologically I guess I wanted to either double it or lose it so I put my money in there like an idiot.

Another hand worth mentioning is Pat almost cracking my QQ with 23 of spade. Flop came like 224 after I had raised it up. Red flags go up when he calls my continuation bet, they usually should when someone smooth calls you on a paired board like that. Luckily I spiked the Q on the turn. Checked around. Then I got $7 from him on the 9 river. He had a good laugh turning his hand over.

By far the funniest pot of the night was in crazy pineapple though. It was a 3 way all in between me, Bruce and Jason. I had QQJ, Bruce had AAx, and Jason had QT7. So anyways the way the action went Jason raised, Herby called, I reraise, Bruce shipped it, Jason calls, Herby wants to play but he knows I'm going to put the rest of my $20 behind in so he folds reluctantly.

The funny part is that the 3 of us still in turn our hands over, but so do Pat, Travis and Herby to see if they'd have won. The PROBLEM was that it's crazy pineapple so the 3 of us still have to throw a card away and now we know what some of the folded cards are. And it made a difference to ME because the flop comes Jack high and I'm looking at a Queen in Jason's hand, and the LAST Queen in Herby's. There's no way I'm spiking a Q to crack Bruce's rockets. Pat has a Jack face up, so really I have to throw away a Queen and hope to hit a J or running cards for a straight.

Did I do that? No. I'm an idiot and I guess I gave up on winning the hand so I threw the damn Jack away like a fool.

Did I mention I'm retarded?

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