
2:30am random stuff post

I've been slacking on SNGs the last week or so, instead playing a few more tournaments. You know the usual hoping to run like God and make a halfway decent score. Nothing to report there. I did fire up some SNGs around 1am tonight and got sick lucky for 3 first places. The fourth SNG I busted in 8th when QQ cracked my rockets on the river. Can't complain because of how bulletproof I was in more than one of my other SNGs.

Kristina and I have started a baby blog @ http://babykinney.blogspot.com. I've linked it on the right hand side of the page. Oh and by the way, I'd love to snag a few more followers on this and that blog too. So if you're just lurking with a google or gmail account and you haven't signed up as a follower, you should. :) I think they've made it fairly easy with a follow button in the spot where all the followers are listed.

It's SXSW right now and I've never bought a wristband and done it up despite having been here for over 10 years. It's just too expensive, and you're not just paying for the wristband. There's gas, drinks, food, etc. Anyways, I did finally check out a free show at Auditorium Shores with Jason and his girl Allison. I was there to see M. Ward who's become one of my absolute favorite artists, especially his album with actress Zoeey Deschanel. Together they're called She and Him. Here's a few links to videos of them, and also some M. Ward on his own. The show was great!

You Really Got a Hold On Me cover

Black Hole (I'm trying to learn this one on guitar)

Lonesome Town cover (just found this one tonight, I know it by Ricky Nelson from the Pulp Fiction soundtrack)

M. Ward - Fuel For Fire

Paul's Song is one of my favorites from the Transistor Radio album

Hold Time (title track of the newest album)


*Lin* said...

I took down a tourney on the first day we were in Vegas- $380!! Unfortunately, I didn't do much else the rest of the week, and the last day, we played for about 5 hrs at different places, and I LITERALLY did not win ONE single hand. Talk about card dead...

Dray said...

Way to take it down Lin!