
7 weeks now?

It still doesn't seem like Kristina's pregnant. It just hasn't hit home yet, and it probably won't really until she starts showing. Maybe when we hear the heartbeat which won't be too long.

So far the biggest challenge she's faced is being tired all the time. Her taste buds have been affected too so that green veggies are not sitting well with her. She normally likes them way more than me, but they just make her want to gag now. That's supposed to change in the 2nd trimester.

A couple of weeks ago she was still cramping and bleeding a little bit. It made her worried so she went back to the doctor and they saw that her progesterone levels were at half of what they should be. So since then she's been taking that prescription twice a day and will be for the rest of the month. Apparently low progesterone can be a major culprit for miscarriages, so thank goodness we caught that. It makes us wonder whether that was why her cycle was so off to begin with instead of PCOS (Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome).

This past Tuesday we went to the State Department of Health and Human Services to apply for Medicaid assistance. We both felt really out of place in the waiting area. The room was filled with Hispanic mothers with young kids. We met with a younger girl named Tierra who was AWESOME. She left out all of my income information so that we would qualify, because if she had entered what was in our savings account we wouldn't have.

She told us she's got a bone to pick with the system because people like us come in all the time who have been working and are just having a hard time but can't qualify because they have money saved up. If you think about it that really is backwards because why should we be punished for being responsible and doing what we're supposed to do you know? So between Tierra and Pat at the gyno's office "hiding" us from the insurance company when Kristina had her initial ultrasound, God is really blessing us in more ways than one.

I got a text last night from Rob while I was at La Zona Rosa watching Adele. It said he's got $75 collected from people who are making bets as to what the gender of the baby will be. I was curious to know which was the running favorite: girl by $5. :)

Well I guess that's about it for now. I'm going to have some serious fun this weekend. My DJ friend Eli's coming over and we're going to spin some house records, something I haven't done in AGES. Then Sunday there's a cash game at Bruce's. Hopefully I'll do OK. I haven't played cash game since the last time we played at Eric's. Hopefully all this SNG action hasn't affected my cash game negatively.


*Lin* said...

exciting :) Did you see the pics of me with my 2009 Baby of the Year??

Heading to Vegas for James' birthday & March Madness... Will be there this Tuesday til next Tuesday... wish us luck!

Dray said...

I was gonna respond with "Traitor!" on your blog because you said my baby was going to be the 2009 one! Hehe. Impressive though, well done.

Good luck this week. Kick some arse.

*Lin* said...

LoL... no, no no, I said yours will be my 2010 baby... I was counting from when you posted the news (late february), so I was thinking Kris wouldn't be due until end of November... Who knows... maybe I'll actually hold 2 babies this year... crazy crazy...