
The definition of break even

Up late again. Last night I spent my session trying to parlay a $5.25 heads up SNG "shot" into a token. Won the first one, played a 2nd and won that. Entered a $6.60 token sng and got 2nd for another $4. Entered an $8.70 turbo token 2 table sng and whiffed. Overall I still finished up a few bucks.

I was 6 tabling over the weekend during SNG Madness. It's a Full Tilt promotion where they reward the top finishers at each stake level for ever 2 hour block of time, all weekend long. I really just wanted to see how far up the leaderboard I could get and the answer was: not very. You really have to do like 10-20 turbo tables at a time to stand a chance. I mean, think about it how many SNG's can you really play in 2 hours time if you're lasting in the majority of them? They average an hour's play time. If they calculate points by cashes then you have to cash in an assload to get up to the top.

My first batch of SNGs I did well 2 firsts, 3 2nds and a 3rd out of 15. The next day I tried to do turbo 6 mans and it didn't go quite so well and I ended down.

As for TONIGHT, instead of trying for another token mission I went back to grinding regular SNGs. After 6 tabling during SNG madness, I'm now going to be 4 tabling from here on out. Which brings me to the title of this post and it's accompanying visual aid. I played 11 9 man sngs and an 18 man for shits and giggles. 2 firsts, 1 second and a third for the 9 mans and no cash in the 18 man leads to exactly break even for the night:

To the far right you'll see the ending balance column 2nd from the right. Just above the highlighted portion it starts with 130.13, and it ends with.....130.13! I just thought that was amusing.

Another thing that made me crack up last night was in that turbo token game. First hand a guy busts out with turned trip fours when he gets all the money in against a guy who flopped an open ended straight flush draw with 35 of clubs. River hits a straight and the guy just types


I just couldn't stop cracking up for some reason. Simple minds are amused by simple things I guess. All I could do was type lol in the chat myself.


*Lin* said...

I do not know how in the world you can play so many at once... Last night, my dad, James, & I started playing two, and I just could NOT do it... i kept hitting the wrong buttons... very aggravating. Then, I busted out of one (Queens full of Tens beat by Queens full of Jacks...) and I couldn't even successfully play ONE while a Friends episode (that I've seen a GILLION times) was on...

Dray said...

I just keep it simple. I have people's stats displayed on screen so I have some idea of how loose the players are.

Then most of the game I just sit and play really tight aggressive. At least, until blinds are to the point where it becomes shove/fold mode and then I started getting it in a lot.

The one thing that aggravates me is my computer slows down sometimes so I can't actually select a table when the action's on me. So sometimes I have to click a different table and then click back to make my decision on the one that's dinging at me.

The auto decide boxes help too so if you get a hand you know you're not going to play you can check the fold box before the action's on you.