
One more piece of brutality before bed

GAME OVER! oh wait...

Full Tilt Poker Game #10332444520: 150 FTP Sat to Super Sunday (78192295), Table 2 - 500/1000 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:42:19 ET - 2009/01/30
Seat 2: coJIDaT (10,780)
Seat 8: Dray (16,220)
coJIDaT posts the small blind of 500
Dray posts the big blind of 1,000
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ah 7h]
coJIDaT calls 500
Dray raises to 16,220, and is all in
coJIDaT calls 9,780, and is all in
Dray shows [Ah 7h]
coJIDaT shows [9h Jh]
Uncalled bet of 5,440 returned to Dray
*** FLOP *** [Th 8h 6d]
*** TURN *** [Th 8h 6d] [Qh]
*** RIVER *** [Th 8h 6d Qh] [Kh]
Dray shows a flush, Ace high
coJIDaT shows a straight flush, King high
coJIDaT wins the pot (21,560) with a straight flush, King high
Dray: gg
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 21,560 | Rake 0
Board: [Th 8h 6d Qh Kh]
Seat 2: coJIDaT (small blind) showed [9h Jh] and won (21,560) with a straight flush, King high
Seat 8: Dray (big blind) showed [Ah 7h] and lost with a flush, Ace high

I don't think I'm getting out of bed tomorrow.

Fucking River

Well, not really. I just wanted to post the hands this idiot I've been playing with for the last two hours that I should have won. First I win against him as soon as he sits down. So after this I know he's a moron:

FullTiltPoker Game #10330587214: Table Bottle (deep 6) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:47:44 ET - 2009/01/30
Seat 1: DrBabyEinstein ($23.80)
Seat 2: Ampli ($10.50)
Seat 3: break N U ($3.30)
Seat 4: avbuyer ($5.65)
Seat 5: Dray ($7.65)
Seat 6: RY2008 ($9.40)
RY2008 posts the small blind of $0.05
DrBabyEinstein posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qc Kd]
Ampli calls $0.10
break N U folds
avbuyer calls $0.10
Dray calls $0.10
RY2008 calls $0.05
DrBabyEinstein checks
*** FLOP *** [Kh 2s 2d]
RY2008 checks
DrBabyEinstein checks
Ampli bets $0.60
avbuyer folds
Dray calls $0.60
RY2008 folds
DrBabyEinstein folds
*** TURN *** [Kh 2s 2d] [Qs]
Ampli bets $0.70
Dray calls $0.70
*** RIVER *** [Kh 2s 2d Qs] [Jh]
Ampli bets $1
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $3
Ampli calls $2
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [Qc Kd] two pair, Kings and Queens
Ampli mucks
Dray wins the pot ($8.20) with two pair, Kings and Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $9.10 | Rake $0.90
Board: [Kh 2s 2d Qs Jh]
Seat 1: DrBabyEinstein (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 2: Ampli mucked [Kc 3h] - two pair, Kings and Twos
Seat 3: break N U didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: avbuyer folded on the Flop
Seat 5: Dray (button) showed [Qc Kd] and won ($8.20) with two pair, Kings and Queens
Seat 6: RY2008 (small blind) folded on the Flop

Then this happens:

FullTiltPoker Game #10330614355: Table Bottle (deep 6) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:49:44 ET - 2009/01/30
Seat 1: DrBabyEinstein ($23.65)
Seat 2: Ampli ($4.85)
Seat 3: break N U ($3.30)
Seat 4: avbuyer ($5.10)
Seat 5: Dray ($11.45)
Seat 6: RY2008 ($10.75)
Ampli posts the small blind of $0.05
break N U posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ad Ks]
avbuyer folds
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $0.40
RY2008 calls $0.40
DrBabyEinstein folds
Ampli calls $0.35
break N U folds
*** FLOP *** [Jd 5h Kd]
Ampli checks
Dray bets $1
RY2008 has 15 seconds left to act
RY2008 folds
Ampli calls $1
*** TURN *** [Jd 5h Kd] [Ah]
Ampli checks
Dray bets $3.30
Ampli calls $3.30
*** RIVER *** [Jd 5h Kd Ah] [Qd]
Ampli checks
Dray bets $0.20
Ampli calls $0.15, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $0.05 returned to Dray
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [Ad Ks] two pair, Aces and Kings
Ampli shows [Qh Qc] three of a kind, Queens
Ampli wins the pot ($9.20) with three of a kind, Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $10.20 | Rake $1
Board: [Jd 5h Kd Ah Qd]
Seat 1: DrBabyEinstein (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Ampli (small blind) showed [Qh Qc] and won ($9.20) with three of a kind, Queens
Seat 3: break N U (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: avbuyer didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Dray showed [Ad Ks] and lost with two pair, Aces and Kings
Seat 6: RY2008 folded on the Flop

We play for a while and I can't connect a flop to save my life. Then I make some money with 99 off a different moron who can't fold AK:

FullTiltPoker Game #10331139195: Table Bottle (deep 6) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:30:42 ET - 2009/01/30
Seat 1: George Schildi ($9.15)
Seat 2: Ampli ($17.85)
Seat 3: maxfazer ($9.90)
Seat 5: Dray ($12.25)
maxfazer posts the small blind of $0.05
Dray posts the big blind of $0.10
George Schildi posts a dead small blind of $0.05
George Schildi posts $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [9s 9d]
George Schildi raises to $0.20
Ampli calls $0.20
maxfazer calls $0.15
Dray raises to $1.20
George Schildi calls $1
Ampli calls $1
maxfazer folds
*** FLOP *** [3s 4h 3h]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets $3
George Schildi calls $3
Ampli folds
*** TURN *** [3s 4h 3h] [7h]
Dray bets $8.05, and is all in
George Schildi calls $4.90, and is all in
Dray shows [9s 9d]
George Schildi shows [Kd Ad]
Uncalled bet of $3.15 returned to Dray
*** RIVER *** [3s 4h 3h 7h] [Tc]
Dray shows two pair, Nines and Threes
George Schildi shows a pair of Threes
Dray wins the pot ($18.65) with two pair, Nines and Threes
George Schildi is sitting out
J-BIRDCR sits down
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $19.65 | Rake $1
Board: [3s 4h 3h 7h Tc]
Seat 1: George Schildi showed [Kd Ad] and lost with a pair of Threes
Seat 2: Ampli (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: maxfazer (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Dray (big blind) showed [9s 9d] and won ($18.65) with two pair, Nines and Threes

But back to our original idiot. He leaves and I follow him to another table. I'm playing for a while and when a few pots off of him, nothing to brag about. Then I FINALLY have him in my sites after two hours:

FullTiltPoker Game #10331761799: Table CR - sbrugby - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:26:41 ET - 2009/01/30
Seat 1: ekapoker ($10.35)
Seat 2: Ampli ($7.80)
Seat 4: Dray ($15.65)
Seat 5: P4RS0NS ($1.45)
Seat 6: PTR77 ($4.10)
P4RS0NS posts the small blind of $0.05
PTR77 posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Td Tc]
ekapoker folds
Ampli calls $0.10
Dray raises to $0.50
P4RS0NS folds
PTR77 folds
Ampli calls $0.40
*** FLOP *** [3s 5d 2d]
Ampli bets $0.90
Dray raises to $3.40
Ampli has 15 seconds left to act
Ampli calls $2.50
*** TURN *** [3s 5d 2d] [4s]
Ampli bets $0.60
Dray raises to $11.75, and is all in
Ampli calls $3.30, and is all in
Dray shows [Td Tc]
Ampli shows [Jd 2c]
Uncalled bet of $7.85 returned to Dray
*** RIVER *** [3s 5d 2d 4s] [Jh]
Dray shows a pair of Tens
Ampli shows two pair, Jacks and Twos
Ampli wins the pot ($14.75) with two pair, Jacks and Twos
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $15.75 | Rake $1
Board: [3s 5d 2d 4s Jh]
Seat 1: ekapoker didn't bet (folded)
Seat 2: Ampli showed [Jd 2c] and won ($14.75) with two pair, Jacks and Twos
Seat 4: Dray (button) showed [Td Tc] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 5: P4RS0NS (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: PTR77 (big blind) folded before the Flop

*throws the computer across the room*

Cliff notes for the night: Up 10, back to even, up 10, back to even. Should be up 20, but NOOOOO. Now I have to wait for another set up IF that comes along.

Oh wait update edit. Here's how the story ends:

FullTiltPoker Game #10331973382: Table CR - sbrugby - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:48:27 ET - 2009/01/30
Seat 2: Ampli ($18.15)
Seat 4: Dray ($6.35)
Seat 5: uncle33 ($4.65)
Dray posts the small blind of $0.05
uncle33 posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Kc Ac]
Ampli calls $0.10
Dray raises to $0.50
uncle33 folds
Ampli raises to $0.90
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $2.65
Ampli calls $1.75
*** FLOP *** [6h Kd Ts]
Dray checks
Ampli bets $15.50, and is all in
Dray calls $3.70, and is all in
Ampli shows [Ah As]
Dray shows [Kc Ac]
Uncalled bet of $11.80 returned to Ampli
*** TURN *** [6h Kd Ts] [7h]
*** RIVER *** [6h Kd Ts 7h] [Js]
Ampli shows a pair of Aces
Dray shows a pair of Kings
Ampli wins the pot ($12.30) with a pair of Aces
Dray is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $12.80 | Rake $0.50
Board: [6h Kd Ts 7h Js]
Seat 2: Ampli (button) showed [Ah As] and won ($12.30) with a pair of Aces
Seat 4: Dray (small blind) showed [Kc Ac] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 5: uncle33 (big blind) folded before the Flop



Just spent the last 4 hours online playing. I did good in the cash games, just played solid. The balance isn't going up though because I've been in shot taking mode the last couple of days. I feel like I just have to get the fuck out of the bankroll rut I'm in. I respect the grind, really I do. But when you get down to it I'll go crazy if I'm struggling to grind a $5 profit every month considering how much time I play this damn game.

So I keep looking back at my July spreadsheet when I was at the exact same place and the only way I got up to like $700 was winning a token and then final tabling a $26 90 man SNG. The problem is I can't afford to be playing all token games. The cycle's been: have a good cash session, take the profits and take a shot once in a while, fail, come back and try again later but just not right away. And I haven't even gotten a token to use and fail that too. AHHHHH!!

I'm peeved I lost the $5 heads up I just played too. It's not in my bankroll rules but dammit I just wanted to win and take that $ to take another shot. My logic is really working at 2:30am lemme tell you.

In outside world news, I have a job interview at 2pm today. It's not a far cry from what I was doing before. It's a Remax real estate company and I'd be working on Broker Price Opinions. The pay's a little less than what I was making, but I'm hoping with my experience I can negotiate into them paying me a little more. I think my best argument will be that since the job requires 30% travel and my car is in ok shape but probably won't be for more than another year or two, they need to pay me more so I can save up for another one.


Another late night sesh

Biggest cash game hand. This seems to be happening to me too much lately:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10256111657: Table Fold (deep 6) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:13:07 ET - 2009/01/26
Seat 1: Dray ($10.15)
Seat 2: Kuato ($11.75)
Seat 3: steviegnyc1 ($17.30)
Seat 4: futureFranchise ($11.85)
Seat 5: thepaul1 ($10)
Seat 6: philszone ($27.05)
steviegnyc1 posts the small blind of $0.05
futureFranchise posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ks Ac]
philszone calls $0.10
Dray raises to $0.50
Kuato folds
steviegnyc1 folds
futureFranchise calls $0.40
philszone folds
*** FLOP *** [Qs Jd 6h]
futureFranchise checks
Dray checks
*** TURN *** [Qs Jd 6h] [Ah]
futureFranchise checks
Dray bets $1
futureFranchise has 15 seconds left to act
futureFranchise calls $1
*** RIVER *** [Qs Jd 6h Ah] [As]
futureFranchise checks
Dray bets $1.50
futureFranchise has 15 seconds left to act
futureFranchise raises to $4.70
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray has requested TIME
Dray raises to $8.65, and is all in
futureFranchise calls $3.95
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [Ks Ac] three of a kind, Aces
futureFranchise shows [Kc Th] a straight, Ace high
futureFranchise wins the pot ($19.45) with a straight, Ace high
Dray is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $20.45 | Rake $1
Board: [Qs Jd 6h Ah As]
Seat 1: Dray showed [Ks Ac] and lost with three of a kind, Aces
Seat 2: Kuato (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: steviegnyc1 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: futureFranchise (big blind) showed [Kc Th] and won ($19.45) with a straight, Ace high
Seat 5: thepaul1 is sitting out
Seat 6: philszone folded before the Flop

That was early and I wasn't sure what kind of player he was. I figured out he was an idiot pretty quickly afterward. Made some headway back with this one:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10256874610: Table Fold (deep 6) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:09:11 ET - 2009/01/26
Seat 1: Dray ($4.60)
Seat 2: killnmesmalls ($5.15)
Seat 3: kuwatoro ($17.70)
Seat 4: futureFranchise ($22.20)
Seat 5: thepaul1 ($11.20)
Seat 6: iwishash ($11.50)
killnmesmalls posts the small blind of $0.05
kuwatoro posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qc Kc]
futureFranchise has 15 seconds left to act
futureFranchise calls $0.10
thepaul1 folds
iwishash calls $0.10
Dray calls $0.10
killnmesmalls folds
kuwatoro checks
*** FLOP *** [4c Tc Kd]
kuwatoro checks
futureFranchise checks
iwishash bets $0.45
Dray raises to $1.50
kuwatoro folds
futureFranchise calls $1.50
iwishash folds
*** TURN *** [4c Tc Kd] [8d]
futureFranchise checks
Dray bets $3, and is all in
futureFranchise calls $3
Dray shows [Qc Kc]
futureFranchise shows [Ks Ts]
*** RIVER *** [4c Tc Kd 8d] [5c]
Dray shows a flush, King high
futureFranchise shows two pair, Kings and Tens
Dray wins the pot ($8.95) with a flush, King high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $9.90 | Rake $0.95
Board: [4c Tc Kd 8d 5c]
Seat 1: Dray (button) showed [Qc Kc] and won ($8.95) with a flush, King high
Seat 2: killnmesmalls (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: kuwatoro (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 4: futureFranchise showed [Ks Ts] and lost with two pair, Kings and Tens
Seat 5: thepaul1 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: iwishash folded on the Flop

I'm in a $2.25 tournament right now and I've gotten all my chips from 2 different morons who limped/reraised with A9 sooted:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10257972215: $2 + $0.25 Tournament (77557048), Table 18 - 30/60 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:53:06 ET - 2009/01/26
Seat 1: bably shark (5,870)
Seat 2: Dray (1,210)
Seat 3: ninjagaiden23 (2,795)
Seat 4: 77hookem77 (5,220)
Seat 5: Kropo 27 (5,255)
Seat 6: tad1331 (2,930), is sitting out
Seat 7: PinkDiamondStar (4,087)
Seat 8: PshonLeha (3,965)
Seat 9: articiceworm (3,320)
tad1331 posts the small blind of 30
PinkDiamondStar posts the big blind of 60
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Td Tc]
PshonLeha calls 60
articiceworm calls 60
bably shark calls 60
Dray raises to 420
ninjagaiden23 folds
77hookem77 folds
Kropo 27 folds
tad1331 folds
PinkDiamondStar folds
PshonLeha folds
articiceworm raises to 1,080
bably shark folds
Dray raises to 1,210, and is all in
articiceworm calls 130
Dray shows [Td Tc]
articiceworm shows [9d Ad]
*** FLOP *** [5h 3c Jh]
*** TURN *** [5h 3c Jh] [Qc]
*** RIVER *** [5h 3c Jh Qc] [2c]
Dray shows a pair of Tens
articiceworm shows Ace Queen high
Dray wins the pot (2,630) with a pair of Tens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 2,630 | Rake 0
Board: [5h 3c Jh Qc 2c]
Seat 1: bably shark folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Dray showed [Td Tc] and won (2,630) with a pair of Tens
Seat 3: ninjagaiden23 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: 77hookem77 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Kropo 27 (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: tad1331 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: PinkDiamondStar (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 8: PshonLeha folded before the Flop
Seat 9: articiceworm showed [9d Ad] and lost with Ace Queen high

Full Tilt Poker Game #10258069822: $2 + $0.25 Tournament (77557048), Table 4 - 40/80 - No Limit Hold'em - 3:04:09 ET - 2009/01/26
Seat 1: Furd Berfle (3,965)
Seat 2: Casino9271 (1,520)
Seat 3: woody1954 (2,185), is sitting out
Seat 4: pocylpse (4,400)
Seat 5: Erenas (2,505)
Seat 6: stealthy567 (5,550)
Seat 7: jmk214 (2,100)
Seat 8: DARE2BME01 (2,210)
Seat 9: Dray (2,430)
Dray posts the small blind of 40
Furd Berfle posts the big blind of 80
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ks Kd]
Casino9271 folds
woody1954 folds
pocylpse folds
Erenas has 15 seconds left to act
Erenas folds
stealthy567 calls 80
jmk214 calls 80
DARE2BME01 calls 80
Dray raises to 480
Furd Berfle folds
stealthy567 folds
jmk214 folds
DARE2BME01 raises to 2,210, and is all in
Dray calls 1,730
DARE2BME01 shows [9h Ah]
Dray shows [Ks Kd]
*** FLOP *** [6h Ts Js]
*** TURN *** [6h Ts Js] [Kc]
*** RIVER *** [6h Ts Js Kc] [Jd]
DARE2BME01 shows a pair of Jacks
Dray shows a full house, Kings full of Jacks
Dray wins the pot (4,660) with a full house, Kings full of Jacks
DARE2BME01 stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 4,660 | Rake 0
Board: [6h Ts Js Kc Jd]
Seat 1: Furd Berfle (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Casino9271 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: woody1954 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: pocylpse didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: Erenas didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: stealthy567 folded before the Flop
Seat 7: jmk214 folded before the Flop
Seat 8: DARE2BME01 (button) showed [9h Ah] and lost with a pair of Jacks
Seat 9: Dray (small blind) showed [Ks Kd] and won (4,660) with a full house, Kings full of Jacks

Bwahahah. People do some strange things in poker that's all I have to say.


Winning anything feels good....gives you hope

I've been working my butt off at the station tonight. We had a meeting this week and I got some good notes from my PD about engaging the listener quickly and emotionally. So there's no poker in the studio tonight, I've been doing actual prep work! I think playing up here is a leak anyway since my attention isn't on the game.

I played two point tourneys before I left the house though, and I took down the 300 point one. These have been my cheap solution for the tournament bug while I'm practicing good bankroll management. The problem is that I was once up to like 18K and have since dropped back down. If I'd hadn't won this one I'd be down to 250 and I haven't been that low in a long time.

I want to build it back up again and use the points to satellite into a big tournament. At this point with where I'm at, it's the cheapest way for me to make a big score and get back to making some actual money. I haven't posted hand histories in a while so here's some significant ones:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10229568972: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 20/40 - No Limit Hold'em - 17:58:34 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (1,465)
Seat 3: Pudgypickle (1,395)
Seat 4: sharma187 (3,890)
Seat 5: Mussolini777 (1,415)
Seat 6: sleazychewbacca (1,155)
Seat 7: Dray (1,455)
Seat 8: JMR76 (1,270), is sitting out
Seat 9: arklowman (1,455)
Mussolini777 posts the small blind of 20
sleazychewbacca posts the big blind of 40
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ah Kc]
Dray calls 40
JMR76 folds
arklowman folds
wanderwin calls 40
Pudgypickle calls 40
sharma187 raises to 260
Mussolini777 folds
sleazychewbacca calls 220
Dray raises to 1,455, and is all in
wanderwin folds
Pudgypickle folds
sharma187 calls 1,195
sleazychewbacca folds
Dray shows [Ah Kc]
sharma187 shows [9h 9s]
*** FLOP *** [7d 4h 4d]
*** TURN *** [7d 4h 4d] [As]
*** RIVER *** [7d 4h 4d As] [Ac]
Dray shows a full house, Aces full of Fours
sharma187 shows two pair, Aces and Nines
Dray wins the pot (3,270) with a full house, Aces full of Fours
JMR76 has reconnected
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 3,270 | Rake 0
Board: [7d 4h 4d As Ac]
Seat 1: wanderwin folded before the Flop
Seat 3: Pudgypickle folded before the Flop
Seat 4: sharma187 (button) showed [9h 9s] and lost with two pair, Aces and Nines
Seat 5: Mussolini777 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: sleazychewbacca (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Dray showed [Ah Kc] and won (3,270) with a full house, Aces full of Fours
Seat 8: JMR76 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: arklowman didn't bet (folded)

Full Tilt Poker Game #10229985013: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 50/100 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:22:20 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (3,730)
Seat 5: Mussolini777 (1,590)
Seat 6: sleazychewbacca (815)
Seat 7: Dray (2,845)
Seat 8: JMR76 (3,095)
Seat 9: arklowman (1,425)
Mussolini777 posts the small blind of 50
sleazychewbacca posts the big blind of 100
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Kd Kh]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to 250
JMR76 has 15 seconds left to act
JMR76 is sitting out
JMR76 has timed out
JMR76 folds
arklowman folds
wanderwin calls 250
Mussolini777 folds
sleazychewbacca folds
*** FLOP *** [3h 6h 8d]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets 450
wanderwin has 15 seconds left to act
wanderwin calls 450
*** TURN *** [3h 6h 8d] [Jd]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets 2,145, and is all in
wanderwin folds
Uncalled bet of 2,145 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot (1,550)
The blinds are now 60/120
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,550 | Rake 0
Board: [3h 6h 8d Jd]
Seat 1: wanderwin (button) folded on the Turn
Seat 5: Mussolini777 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: sleazychewbacca (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 7: Dray collected (1,550), mucked
Seat 8: JMR76 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: arklowman didn't bet (folded)

When it got shorthanded most of were playing tight except wanderwin. He was raising a lot, stabbing at a lot of pots out of position. This was the biggest move I put on him then entire game. It was probably stupid actually but there's always a Queen to catch!

Full Tilt Poker Game #10230211585: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 80/160 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:35:33 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (6,410)
Seat 7: Dray (2,135)
Seat 8: JMR76 (3,275), is sitting out
Seat 9: arklowman (1,680)
wanderwin posts the small blind of 80
Dray posts the big blind of 160
The button is in seat #9
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [9s Jh]
JMR76 folds
arklowman folds
wanderwin calls 80
Dray checks
*** FLOP *** [Th 2d Ks]
wanderwin bets 320
Dray raises to 1,975, and is all in
wanderwin has 15 seconds left to act
wanderwin folds
Uncalled bet of 1,655 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot (960)
The blinds are now 100/200
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 960 | Rake 0
Board: [Th 2d Ks]
Seat 1: wanderwin (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 7: Dray (big blind) collected (960), mucked
Seat 8: JMR76 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 9: arklowman (button) didn't bet (folded)

Oh yeah and wander also check/min raised me a couple of times. This time I answered back instead of folding:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10230306314: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 100/200 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:41:03 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (8,210)
Seat 7: Dray (3,515)
Seat 8: JMR76 (1,775), is sitting out
wanderwin posts the small blind of 100
Dray posts the big blind of 200
The button is in seat #8
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [4h 5h]
JMR76 folds
wanderwin calls 100
Dray checks
*** FLOP *** [6c Ah 7h]
wanderwin checks
Dray bets 200
wanderwin raises to 400
Dray raises to 3,315, and is all in
wanderwin has 15 seconds left to act
wanderwin folds
Uncalled bet of 2,915 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot (1,200)
The blinds are now 120/240
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 1,200 | Rake 0
Board: [6c Ah 7h]
Seat 1: wanderwin (small blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 7: Dray (big blind) collected (1,200), mucked
Seat 8: JMR76 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Having someone sitting out sucks because it changes the game dynamic, especially when it comes to blind stealing. Plus you don't want to be the douche that gets knocked out on the bubble while some idiot isn't even playing. I took him out:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10230390192: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 120/240 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:45:56 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (7,660)
Seat 7: Dray (5,555)
Seat 8: JMR76 (285)
Dray posts the small blind of 120
JMR76 posts the big blind of 240
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [2d Qh]
wanderwin folds
Dray raises to 480
JMR76 calls 45, and is all in
Dray shows [2d Qh]
JMR76 shows [7d 8c]
Uncalled bet of 195 returned to Dray
*** FLOP *** [6s Kd Ts]
*** TURN *** [6s Kd Ts] [Ad]
*** RIVER *** [6s Kd Ts Ad] [5c]
Dray shows Ace King high
JMR76 shows Ace King high
Dray wins the pot (570) with Ace King high
JMR76 stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 570 | Rake 0
Board: [6s Kd Ts Ad 5c]
Seat 1: wanderwin (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 7: Dray (small blind) showed [2d Qh] and won (570) with Ace King high
Seat 8: JMR76 (big blind) showed [7d 8c] and lost with Ace King high

Grabbed the chip lead heads up:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10230445714: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 150/300 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:49:11 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (9,790)
Seat 7: Dray (3,710)
Dray posts the small blind of 150
wanderwin posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Jh Kc]
Dray raises to 600
wanderwin calls 300
*** FLOP *** [9c Tc Js]
wanderwin checks
Dray bets 600
wanderwin raises to 1,200
Dray raises to 3,110, and is all in
wanderwin calls 1,910
Dray shows [Jh Kc]
wanderwin shows [Kd Td]
*** TURN *** [9c Tc Js] [9s]
*** RIVER *** [9c Tc Js 9s] [8h]
Dray shows two pair, Jacks and Nines
wanderwin shows two pair, Tens and Nines
Dray wins the pot (7,420) with two pair, Jacks and Nines
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 7,420 | Rake 0
Board: [9c Tc Js 9s 8h]
Seat 1: wanderwin (big blind) showed [Kd Td] and lost with two pair, Tens and Nines
Seat 7: Dray (small blind) showed [Jh Kc] and won (7,420) with two pair, Jacks and Nines

Final hand:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10230513358: 300 FTP Sat to $750K satellite (77503113), Table 1 - 150/300 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:53:07 ET - 2009/01/24
Seat 1: wanderwin (5,480)
Seat 7: Dray (8,020)
Dray posts the small blind of 150
wanderwin posts the big blind of 300
The button is in seat #7
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [7s 5d]
Dray calls 150
wanderwin checks
*** FLOP *** [Qh 5c 6d]
wanderwin checks
Dray bets 300
wanderwin calls 300
*** TURN *** [Qh 5c 6d] [6h]
wanderwin checks
Dray checks
*** RIVER *** [Qh 5c 6d 6h] [5h]
wanderwin bets 1,200
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to 7,420, and is all in
wanderwin calls 3,680, and is all in
Uncalled bet of 2,540 returned to Dray
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [7s 5d] a full house, Fives full of Sixes
wanderwin mucks
Dray wins the pot (10,960) with a full house, Fives full of Sixes
wanderwin stands up
Dray stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 10,960 | Rake 0
Board: [Qh 5c 6d 6h 5h]
Seat 1: wanderwin (big blind) mucked [Kh 3h] - a flush, King high
Seat 7: Dray (small blind) showed [7s 5d] and won (10,960) with a full house, Fives full of Sixes

It was tempting to try and play the 2500 point tourney I won the seat to, but I can always win another one. :) I want the points so I can keep playing!


Look who's still in the Aussie Millions

Annette Obrestad: 807,000

I haven't been following any tournament news lately but I just got on Cardplayer's site to see what's happening. I cannot wait for her to turn 21 and come destroy the WSOP. She's such a sick player.


Wow staying up super late was a GREAT idea tonight. I'm on tilt right now. Nothing good came of tonight. Nothing.

A perfect example of why tournaments really suck

I wrote a blog a while back about why tournaments are torture. You play well, or get lucky, long enough to make it to a final table. Unfortunately by the time you get there, the only skill left in the game is knowing when to put your chips in.

So, in this final table example from tonight there's over 5K in the pot before the cards are even dealt. I have the biggest stack at the table and if I folded every hand I would only last 5 rounds. Based on the stack sizes no one should be just calling anything. Everyone should be either pushing all in or folding and that's it, according to anyone who's read Harrington on Holdem v2 which is one of the best books on tournament holdem.

So I spend over an hour and a half being patient, playing smart only to have this happen:

Full Tilt Poker Game #10199543812: $3 + $0.30 KO Sit & Go (77297372), Table 1 - 1200/2400 Ante 300 - No Limit Hold'em - 2:33:25 ET - 2009/01/23
Seat 1: Kaybobsaces (27,780)
Seat 2: merscher (20,438)
Seat 3: marcus006 (33,955)
Seat 4: SHancHoPanzza (19,950)
Seat 5: Dray (37,505)
Seat 6: winchester44 (34,064)
Seat 7: canroc (31,678)
Seat 8: qderr (28,314)
Seat 9: rocco4750 (36,316)
Kaybobsaces antes 300
merscher antes 300
marcus006 antes 300
SHancHoPanzza antes 300
Dray antes 300
winchester44 antes 300
canroc antes 300
qderr antes 300
rocco4750 antes 300
merscher posts the small blind of 1,200
marcus006 posts the big blind of 2,400
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Kc Kd]
SHancHoPanzza folds
Dray raises to 6,600
winchester44 folds
canroc folds
qderr folds
rocco4750 folds
Kaybobsaces raises to 10,800
merscher folds
marcus006 has 15 seconds left to act
marcus006 raises to 33,655, and is all in
Dray raises to 37,205, and is all in
Kaybobsaces calls 16,680, and is all in
Dray shows [Kc Kd]
Kaybobsaces shows [Th Tc]
marcus006 shows [Qs Ah]
Uncalled bet of 3,550 returned to Dray
*** FLOP *** [Ad 2d 3d]
*** TURN *** [Ad 2d 3d] [6s]
*** RIVER *** [Ad 2d 3d 6s] [5s]
Dray shows a pair of Kings
marcus006 shows a pair of Aces
marcus006 wins the side pot (12,350) with a pair of Aces
Kaybobsaces shows a pair of Tens
marcus006 wins the main pot (86,340) with a pair of Aces
Dray: *sigh*
Kaybobsaces stands up
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot 98,690 Main pot 86,340. Side pot 12,350. | Rake 0
Board: [Ad 2d 3d 6s 5s]
Seat 1: Kaybobsaces (button) showed [Th Tc] and lost with a pair of Tens
Seat 2: merscher (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: marcus006 (big blind) showed [Qs Ah] and won (98,690) with a pair of Aces
Seat 4: SHancHoPanzza folded before the Flop
Seat 5: Dray showed [Kc Kd] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 6: winchester44 folded before the Flop
Seat 7: canroc folded before the Flop
Seat 8: qderr folded before the Flop
Seat 9: rocco4750 folded before the Flop

A perfect example of why tournaments suck. You spend all your time fighting to get to the end where skill is irrelevant and luck really has more to do with your results than anything you do.

But this is poker and that's what happens. All I can do is the usual: let out a sigh, roll my eyes and move on to the next torture test.


Stir of Echoes - the girl playing the ghost

The other night I re-watched Stir of Echoes with Kristina. I'd seen it a while back but didn't remember everything about it. Without spoiling anything, in this viewing the other night I realized the girl playing the ghost is Jennifer Morrison, better known as Dr. Cameron on House.

Check it out:

On a quick side note, I re-lost that quick turnaround money. AK against AA. Another example of me ignoring critical information. *sigh*


Same day turnaround

I'm playing online right now and I just made back up the $ I lost this afternoon. First with two overcards and a flush draw:

FullTiltPoker Game #10179917296: Table Falk (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:25:14 ET - 2009/01/22
Seat 1: Dray ($10.80)
Seat 2: JulieKnighted ($10)
Seat 3: jcn-x ($10.20)
Seat 4: X PEACE X ($10), is sitting out
Seat 5: Mo42186 ($7.85)
Seat 6: 1_All-inandfold ($14.40)
Dray posts the small blind of $0.05
JulieKnighted posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Kc Qc]
jcn-x raises to $0.40
Mo42186 folds
1_All-inandfold has 15 seconds left to act
1_All-inandfold calls $0.40
Dray calls $0.35
JulieKnighted calls $0.30
*** FLOP *** [3c 4h 4c]
Dray checks
JulieKnighted checks
jcn-x bets $1.40
1_All-inandfold has 15 seconds left to act
1_All-inandfold folds
Dray raises to $4
JulieKnighted adds $0.40
JulieKnighted folds
jcn-x raises to $9.80, and is all in
Dray calls $5.80
jcn-x shows [Jc Jh]
Dray shows [Kc Qc]
*** TURN *** [3c 4h 4c] [Ad]
*** RIVER *** [3c 4h 4c Ad] [2c]
jcn-x shows two pair, Jacks and Fours
Dray shows a flush, King high
Dray wins the pot ($20.20) with a flush, King high
jcn-x adds $10
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $21.20 | Rake $1
Board: [3c 4h 4c Ad 2c]
Seat 1: Dray (small blind) showed [Kc Qc] and won ($20.20) with a flush, King high
Seat 2: JulieKnighted (big blind) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: jcn-x showed [Jc Jh] and lost with two pair, Jacks and Fours
Seat 4: X PEACE X is sitting out
Seat 5: Mo42186 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: 1_All-inandfold (button) folded on the Flop

Then the nut flush:
FullTiltPoker Game #10180051943: Table Falk (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 0:34:34 ET - 2009/01/22
Seat 1: Dray ($19.80)
Seat 2: JulieKnighted ($10)
Seat 3: jcn-x ($10.05)
Seat 4: X PEACE X ($10), is sitting out
Seat 5: Mo42186 ($9.20)
Seat 6: 1_All-inandfold ($15.30)
jcn-x posts the small blind of $0.05
Mo42186 posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [As 9s]
1_All-inandfold folds
Dray calls $0.10
JulieKnighted folds
jcn-x folds
Mo42186 has 15 seconds left to act
Mo42186 checks
*** FLOP *** [Td 5s 6s]
Mo42186 bets $0.25
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $1
Mo42186 calls $0.75
*** TURN *** [Td 5s 6s] [8s]
Mo42186 bets $2
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray calls $2
*** RIVER *** [Td 5s 6s 8s] [Kc]
Mo42186 has 15 seconds left to act
Mo42186 bets $2
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $6.50
Mo42186 calls $4.10, and is all in
Uncalled bet of $0.40 returned to Dray
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [As 9s] a flush, Ace high
Mo42186 mucks
Dray wins the pot ($17.45) with a flush, Ace high
Mo42186 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $18.45 | Rake $1
Board: [Td 5s 6s 8s Kc]
Seat 1: Dray showed [As 9s] and won ($17.45) with a flush, Ace high
Seat 2: JulieKnighted (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: jcn-x (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: X PEACE X is sitting out
Seat 5: Mo42186 (big blind) mucked [4s 7c] - a straight, Eight high
Seat 6: 1_All-inandfold didn't bet (folded)

Notice the hand the hand the villain had.....:)

Nasty afternoon cash game

I recently updated my Pokertracker HUD display to include a few new stats. This afternoon I felt I was making good use of the new stats. Long story short, I played a much more aggressive game than I normally do, but it didn't pay off like it should have.

I literally lost every big hand I got dealt in the hour and half session. Look:

FullTiltPoker Game #10170086795: Table Abyss (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:24:13 ET - 2009/01/21
Seat 1: Dray ($7.75)
Seat 2: GaVioN ($19.15)
Seat 3: mxrider ($10)
Seat 4: Honza83 ($10.70)
Seat 5: jun8t ($10.65)
Seat 6: Xman96 ($10)
Honza83 posts the small blind of $0.05
jun8t posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ks Ah]
Xman96 folds
Dray raises to $0.40
GaVioN folds
Honza83 folds
jun8t calls $0.30
*** FLOP *** [As 5d 7c]
jun8t bets $0.10
Dray calls $0.10
*** TURN *** [As 5d 7c] [9d]
jun8t bets $1.05
Dray calls $1.05
*** RIVER *** [As 5d 7c 9d] [5c]
jun8t bets $3.15
Dray calls $3.15
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jun8t shows [9s Ac] two pair, Aces and Nines
Dray mucks
jun8t wins the pot ($8.55) with two pair, Aces and Nines
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $9.45 | Rake $0.90
Board: [As 5d 7c 9d 5c]
Seat 1: Dray mucked [Ks Ah] - two pair, Aces and Fives
Seat 2: GaVioN (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: mxrider is sitting out
Seat 4: Honza83 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: jun8t (big blind) showed [9s Ac] and won ($8.55) with two pair, Aces and Nines
Seat 6: Xman96 didn't bet (folded)

FullTiltPoker Game #10169934811: Table Abyss (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:13:49 ET - 2009/01/21
Seat 1: Dray ($9.90)
Seat 2: GaVioN ($17.85)
Seat 3: thatil22 ($3.45)
Seat 4: Honza83 ($11.60)
Seat 5: jun8t ($5.10)
Seat 6: Xman96 ($8.15)
Dray posts the small blind of $0.05
GaVioN posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qh Qs]
thatil22 folds
Honza83 has 15 seconds left to act
Honza83 folds
jun8t raises to $0.20
Xman96 calls $0.20
Dray raises to $1.20
GaVioN folds
jun8t calls $1
Xman96 folds
*** FLOP *** [Tc 7c Kh]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets $2.50
jun8t has 15 seconds left to act
jun8t calls $2.50
*** TURN *** [Tc 7c Kh] [8h]
Dray bets $6.20, and is all in
jun8t calls $1.40, and is all in
Dray shows [Qh Qs]
jun8t shows [Jd 8d]
Uncalled bet of $4.80 returned to Dray
*** RIVER *** [Tc 7c Kh 8h] [9h]
Dray shows a pair of Queens
jun8t shows a straight, Jack high
jun8t wins the pot ($9.45) with a straight, Jack high
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $10.50 | Rake $1.05
Board: [Tc 7c Kh 8h 9h]
Seat 1: Dray (small blind) showed [Qh Qs] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 2: GaVioN (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: thatil22 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Honza83 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 5: jun8t showed [Jd 8d] and won ($9.45) with a straight, Jack high
Seat 6: Xman96 (button) folded before the Flop

FullTiltPoker Game #10170551695: Table Abyss (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 14:55:04 ET - 2009/01/21
Seat 1: Dray ($15.40)
Seat 2: GaVioN ($19.85)
Seat 3: mxrider ($11.55), is sitting out
Seat 4: JackTenSuitHead ($9.85)
Seat 5: jun8t ($15.30)
Seat 6: Xman96 ($6.05)
GaVioN posts the small blind of $0.05
JackTenSuitHead posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #1
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ac Ad]
jun8t calls $0.10
Xman96 raises to $0.50
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $1.50
GaVioN folds
JackTenSuitHead folds
jun8t has 15 seconds left to act
jun8t calls $1.40
Xman96 calls $1
*** FLOP *** [9d Qd 4s]
jun8t has 15 seconds left to act
jun8t bets $0.90
Xman96 raises to $4.55, and is all in
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $13.90, and is all in
JackTenSuitHead adds $0.25
jun8t has 15 seconds left to act
jun8t folds
Dray shows [Ac Ad]
Xman96 shows [9c 9s]
Uncalled bet of $9.35 returned to Dray
*** TURN *** [9d Qd 4s] [Th]
*** RIVER *** [9d Qd 4s Th] [Jc]
Dray shows a pair of Aces
Xman96 shows three of a kind, Nines
Xman96 wins the pot ($13.65) with three of a kind, Nines
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $14.65 | Rake $1
Board: [9d Qd 4s Th Jc]
Seat 1: Dray (button) showed [Ac Ad] and lost with a pair of Aces
Seat 2: GaVioN (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 3: mxrider is sitting out
Seat 4: JackTenSuitHead (big blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 5: jun8t folded on the Flop
Seat 6: Xman96 showed [9c 9s] and won ($13.65) with three of a kind, Nines

Finally the biggest hand near the end of the session:

FullTiltPoker Game #10170987439: Table Abyss (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 15:23:14 ET - 2009/01/21
Seat 1: Dray ($15.45)
Seat 2: GaVioN ($13.15)
Seat 3: k1ddan1el ($11.10)
Seat 4: khalel1 ($8.80)
Seat 5: jun8t ($6.45)
Seat 6: Xman96 ($15.45)
Xman96 posts the small blind of $0.05
Dray posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #5
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ks Kc]
GaVioN raises to $0.20
k1ddan1el folds
khalel1 raises to $0.70
jun8t folds
Xman96 folds
Dray calls $0.60
GaVioN raises to $1.50
khalel1 calls $0.80
Dray calls $0.80
*** FLOP *** [3s Jd 7h]
Dray checks
GaVioN has 15 seconds left to act
GaVioN bets $2
khalel1 raises to $7.30, and is all in
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $13.95, and is all in
GaVioN calls $9.65, and is all in
Dray shows [Ks Kc]
GaVioN shows [Ah Ad]
khalel1 shows [Qc Qs]
Uncalled bet of $2.30 returned to Dray
*** TURN *** [3s Jd 7h] [5s]
*** RIVER *** [3s Jd 7h 5s] [2s]
Dray shows a pair of Kings
GaVioN shows a pair of Aces
GaVioN wins the side pot ($8.70) with a pair of Aces
khalel1 shows a pair of Queens
GaVioN wins the main pot ($24.45) with a pair of Aces
khalel1 is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $35.15 Main pot $26.45. Side pot $8.70. | Rake $2
Board: [3s Jd 7h 5s 2s]
Seat 1: Dray (big blind) showed [Ks Kc] and lost with a pair of Kings
Seat 2: GaVioN showed [Ah Ad] and won ($33.15) with a pair of Aces
Seat 3: k1ddan1el didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: khalel1 showed [Qc Qs] and lost with a pair of Queens
Seat 5: jun8t (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: Xman96 (small blind) folded before the Flop

I had a really bad feeling about GavioN that I ignored. Once he min raised, then rereaised (4bet in online terms) the alarms went off. Oh well.


Laid Off

The last two weeks I've just not been in a blogging mood to be honest. Last Thursday I was laid off from my day job as a receptionist. I'm not upset or too worried about it though. For one thing I was ready to move on and I probably needed to get booted to make me go out and look again.

I took the job to make good steady money with standard M-F 8-5 hours and benefits, but I also wanted to learn some about real estate. The main thing I learned is that there are a lot of really stupid people with real estate licenses. I did get a promotion last year when *Lin* left and that gave me an opportunity to review home appraisals. So I did learn SOMETHING. But, not enough to make me want to continue in that business.

It's time to move on to other things! I'm not going to be actively seeking another receptionist job. I've done it for the last 3-4 years and I've had my fill. I will most likely continue in some kind of office/clerical work, but I'm shying away from the front desk. I'm not completely opposed to some kind of manual labor to be honest. If I knew they were hiring for it, I've always considered becoming a cable tv installer. I like technology, it would be something different, and the cable bill would become cheap to nonexistent. I love my internet, and if I could get free standard cable (right now I just have basic) that would be the shiznit.

My wife's still working part time at Old Navy, although her hours have been very skimp last week and this week. :/ I've still got my radio gig on Saturday nights. My severance check should be here this week to cover the rent. Between the savings and our good support system with family and friends we should be OK. I got a head start on sending out resume's and apps before they actually let everyone go so I hope that helps me find something even faster.

Since this is a poker blog I'll just share a couple of snippets about my play lately: this month I've fallen asleep in two $3 90 man sngs with chips and managed a 9th place, just in the money. :) The other day I made quad Jacks. There. :)

I'll try and write something a little more detailed soon.


Dang man

RIP Patrick Mcgoohan

I know and like this guy because he played the vicious Edward Longshanks in Braveheart, one the most memorable movie villains to me. He was also the judge in a Time to Kill.

I'd be interested in renting "The Prisoner" to see him back in the day. The last old movie I watched was the Great Escape. First Steve Mcqueen movie for me. Seeing Richard Attenborough with no beard was funny and I really liked James Garner.

RIP Patrick


Do you know ElkY?

ElkY is the man

French online player Bertrand Grospelier had a sick 2008 winning an EPT, a WPT and going deep in a ton of events in the Pokerstars WCOOP. Now he's just won the $25,000 High Rollers tournament in the Bahamas. If you don't know ElkY, you ought to. Pray the day you ever get into a big buyin tournament that he's not at your table.

Oh he also did this in 2008 which earns my respect alone:


2009 Goals

I'm calling 2008 the wilderness. It's probably a good thing I lost money overall on Full Tilt for the year. It's gotten me back into grind mode and I feel more dedicated to it than I ever have before. Part of that is looking and analyzing my November spreadsheet.

I wrote a bitchy post in early December about playing only cash and only $2 sngs. I've stuck to that for the most part, and it's REALLY helped. I was losing money for most of the month, but pulled back to almost even right at the end thanks to a couple of good cash sessions.

My goals for 2009 include

1) Play less
2) Analyze my play more; try to plug leaks
3) Bankroll manage better, stick to rules
4) Don't take poker too seriously. I know now there are more important things in life than cards.

Dream 09 scenario: satellite to the WSOP.


Still can't cash at the cardroom

There's a cardroom about 30 minutes from my apartment that holds 3 $500 freeroll tournaments a week where you only pay a $10 dealers fee and first place is like $250. It's great value because it's only two tables so I'll play them every once in a while. I've played in at least 5 of them and I still can't seem to cash. I always seem to manage 5th or 6th. That's what happened last night.

When I got to the final table blinds were 100/200 and I had 2400 chips which was slightly above average for what everyone else had. It still wasn't much compared to the blinds though.

I waited for almost a whole round before I open shoved KQ under the gun. Everyone folded. The next hand utg raises to 700, two players call in middle position, a short stack in late position goes all in for 300. I look down at two black aces and shove. It really was perfect timing considering I just shoved the hand before. The original raiser folded but both the MP players called. They had A8o and JTs, the short stack had KT. Board came K J x K x. Short stack won his small main pot and I got my stack up to 4800.

So then I'm on the button and wake up with AQ. The guy on my right who had a comparable chip stack to me raises to 600. I don't have a good feeling about this, but I can't fold AQ. I could reraise but I haven't played with him long and he hasn't really seemed out of line. Besides it would be bad to reraise with the intention of folding considering my stack size. So I call and so does the big blind. Flop comes Q x x with two hearts. Pretty much what I was looking for. BB checks, cutoff raiser bets 600. I raise to 2100, bb folds, cutoff shoves and I call. Ouch, he shows my QQ for top set.

That knocked me back down to 1200. I was able to shove and steal blinds a few times. I got called by K7o when I had QJs and I made a flush on the river to double. Then my best hopes for cashing were dashed when I pushed TT, got called by 99 and he spiked a 9 on me.

I had a lot of fun though, the guys there are a pretty friendly group. Most of them are pretty young and a few sounded like they were entrepreneurs. I talked to a named LJ about downloading music because he was carrying a laptop around with him while he played. But he mentioned something about buying a gift shop in Leander.

I also finally met Jason Dick from 101X. He's easily the funniest person in the mornings in Austin. I started emailing him a while back because he talks about how he likes poker on the air, and we're about the same age. One of the last times I was at this cardroom I told people I was a weekend DJ and someone said that he's been known to come to that room on occasion. Sure enough he showed up last night and I was happy to get the chance to meet him in person after emailing him a number of times over the last year.

After I busted I went downtown to see a friend from college spin at Plush. Had 3 one dollar lonestars between 10 to 11pm. Stayed until about 12:30 house stepping. The guy has great taste in music. The DJ's he opened for do a funk, soul, boogie night every Friday there and I'm definitely going to go back. It's free and a damn good time.