
2009 Goals

I'm calling 2008 the wilderness. It's probably a good thing I lost money overall on Full Tilt for the year. It's gotten me back into grind mode and I feel more dedicated to it than I ever have before. Part of that is looking and analyzing my November spreadsheet.

I wrote a bitchy post in early December about playing only cash and only $2 sngs. I've stuck to that for the most part, and it's REALLY helped. I was losing money for most of the month, but pulled back to almost even right at the end thanks to a couple of good cash sessions.

My goals for 2009 include

1) Play less
2) Analyze my play more; try to plug leaks
3) Bankroll manage better, stick to rules
4) Don't take poker too seriously. I know now there are more important things in life than cards.

Dream 09 scenario: satellite to the WSOP.

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