

Just spent the last 4 hours online playing. I did good in the cash games, just played solid. The balance isn't going up though because I've been in shot taking mode the last couple of days. I feel like I just have to get the fuck out of the bankroll rut I'm in. I respect the grind, really I do. But when you get down to it I'll go crazy if I'm struggling to grind a $5 profit every month considering how much time I play this damn game.

So I keep looking back at my July spreadsheet when I was at the exact same place and the only way I got up to like $700 was winning a token and then final tabling a $26 90 man SNG. The problem is I can't afford to be playing all token games. The cycle's been: have a good cash session, take the profits and take a shot once in a while, fail, come back and try again later but just not right away. And I haven't even gotten a token to use and fail that too. AHHHHH!!

I'm peeved I lost the $5 heads up I just played too. It's not in my bankroll rules but dammit I just wanted to win and take that $ to take another shot. My logic is really working at 2:30am lemme tell you.

In outside world news, I have a job interview at 2pm today. It's not a far cry from what I was doing before. It's a Remax real estate company and I'd be working on Broker Price Opinions. The pay's a little less than what I was making, but I'm hoping with my experience I can negotiate into them paying me a little more. I think my best argument will be that since the job requires 30% travel and my car is in ok shape but probably won't be for more than another year or two, they need to pay me more so I can save up for another one.


*Lin* said...

GL on the interview!!! And the bankroll... :)

Benny said...

best of luck, hoss.