
Laid Off

The last two weeks I've just not been in a blogging mood to be honest. Last Thursday I was laid off from my day job as a receptionist. I'm not upset or too worried about it though. For one thing I was ready to move on and I probably needed to get booted to make me go out and look again.

I took the job to make good steady money with standard M-F 8-5 hours and benefits, but I also wanted to learn some about real estate. The main thing I learned is that there are a lot of really stupid people with real estate licenses. I did get a promotion last year when *Lin* left and that gave me an opportunity to review home appraisals. So I did learn SOMETHING. But, not enough to make me want to continue in that business.

It's time to move on to other things! I'm not going to be actively seeking another receptionist job. I've done it for the last 3-4 years and I've had my fill. I will most likely continue in some kind of office/clerical work, but I'm shying away from the front desk. I'm not completely opposed to some kind of manual labor to be honest. If I knew they were hiring for it, I've always considered becoming a cable tv installer. I like technology, it would be something different, and the cable bill would become cheap to nonexistent. I love my internet, and if I could get free standard cable (right now I just have basic) that would be the shiznit.

My wife's still working part time at Old Navy, although her hours have been very skimp last week and this week. :/ I've still got my radio gig on Saturday nights. My severance check should be here this week to cover the rent. Between the savings and our good support system with family and friends we should be OK. I got a head start on sending out resume's and apps before they actually let everyone go so I hope that helps me find something even faster.

Since this is a poker blog I'll just share a couple of snippets about my play lately: this month I've fallen asleep in two $3 90 man sngs with chips and managed a 9th place, just in the money. :) The other day I made quad Jacks. There. :)

I'll try and write something a little more detailed soon.


Stacey said...

I was really sorry to hear about what happened. Just to let you know, i heard something on 101X the other day about a company hiring cable installers. I am sorry I don't remember the name but i think it started with a "S". You could probably find info on the 101X site. Good luck to you :)

Harry Ravain said...

Let me know if we can help

Love Ya

Dray said...

Thanks for the encouragement. There has been no shortage of well wishes and outreach and I'm very thankful for it.