
Late night Louisiana casino outings

Lake Charles
I spent all last week on the road for the holidays visiting family in Louisiana. On Christmas night I drove from Lafayette to Lake Charles at 11:30pm, got to the Isle of Capri at 12:45am. My family thought I was crazy but like I told them, I'm an opportunist. I knew everyone was planning to go shopping the next day and I could care less about going with them, so why not get some cards in while everyone's sleeping and then sleep while everyone's out shopping? Plus I could jam the new DJ Heather mix I bought from iTunes all the way there. :)

I brought $150 with me to play and my plan was the same as my last trip to the Isle: play bonus holdem, make some quick easy money and then go sit at the poker table. So I went straight to that table, bought $100 in chips and began putting down my $5 ante and bonus bet. "The table minimum is $10 tonight" she says. $100 isn't nearly enough when it's costing $40 to play a flop and put in a bonus bet. I was stupid and played anyway hoping to get a big hand and get paid on a $10 bonus. I didn't and lost the $100 in about....6 hands.

I had $50 in my pocket, not enough to play anything and I wasn't about to turn around and drive back after being there for 10 minutes. So I went to the ATM and took out another $100 and headed to the poker room to play some mind numbingly boring limit holdem. It was all I could afford, the no limit game was 2/5 and I'd need at least $250 to sit there without completely gambling.

I don't have a lot of limit experience, but I do have an idea of how hand selection and position play into a solid strategy. These games aren't hard to beat if you aren't completely card dead, which I was. I started out playing a little too loose and lost $50 of the $100 stack I bought. I buckled down, threw my last $50 on the table to get back to a decent stack, and ground it out until 6am. When it was all said and done, including the bonus holdem game, I lost $38 on the Isle session. I had a lot of fun for a limit game though, and I was surprisingly focused. Made $70 in the poker room which made me happy.

The best part of the night was a young redneck looking guy comes over with a rack and says to the table "take it easy on me I don't know what I'm doing". Anyone who's played long enough would take that comment with a grain of salt, but this guy wasn't kidding. Seriously, at one point he's in a hand and asks the dealer "How many cards does it take to make a straight?" The dealer just started laughing and said she'd been working there a long time and never heard that one before.

The guy was hilarious and even though there were some horriffic players at the table, EVERYONE was having a laugh at this idiot's expense. No one was nasty about it, but the guy on my direct left would welcome every new player to the table with "Welcome to the twilight zone". :) Tony, from Crowley, was very nice and seemingly the only person with a clue at my table. Props to Tony.
New Orleans
Saturday we were in NOLA to visit my Aunt Mona and Uncle Harry who has lung cancer, along with the rest of my Dad's side of the family. That night Kristina and I went out with my Dad and stepmom to Bourbon street and had a very good time. It was the first time I'd ever been. We stopped at a club called Rue 44 for vodka tonics, and did the electric slide to the Deja Vu band that was playing some awesome funk. Midnight Star, Dazz Band, etc. The best part was the black lady getting down telling me I was wayyy too stiff and needed to loosen up. In the meantime she's cheering Kristina on "Get DOWN GIRL!!". LOL

The rest of the night we hung at Pat O'Brien's piano bar drinking hurricanes. That was a lot of fun.

So on the way there and back we walked through Harrah's which was right across from our hotel. I still had the cash from the Isle and wanted to play since they had a $1/$2 no limit game I could afford to sit at. I went to check out the area on the walk back to the hotel and told Kristina I wanted to play but she said nope. I got my poker in the other night in Lake Charles. The rest of the walk back I had it in my mind, "I'm going to sneak out and come back when everyone's asleep."

We get back in the room and I see the extra room key on our bed that my Aunt had left. I snagged it quickly and slid it in my pocket, took off my shoes and laid down on the bed with all my clothes still on. I didn't even get under the covers. It only took about 5 minutes for everyone to start snoring, and then I snuck out and walked across the street. Hehe.

The 1/2 list was a pretty good size at 1am, so I signed up and went sit back at the limit table until a seat was open. Made about $30 quickly when I turned a King high flush against a guy with three queens. Took that over to 1/2 and ended up walking with $150 profit. I'll go ahead and rundown the one hand that I made all the $ on:

I had KQ in the small blind. Early position limper, loose guy raises to $7 in late position, guy on my right calls, I call. Then the big blind who's a new player raises to $20. Everyone calls and the pot is so big that I decide to call and take a flop.

Flop comes Q x x with two spades. I check and the big blind bets around $40 if I remember right. It folds around to the late position raiser and he asks the waitress passing by if he should chase. She says no, he folds reluctantly. The guy on my right folds, accidentally exposing his A2 with the Ace of spades.

Based on all the information I just observed I wasn't worried about a flush draw anymore, or the real hand I was worried about: AQ. Even though I wasn't sure the big blinds playing style, I figured there was a good chance I was ahead and could get called by some worse hands. So I shoved for like another $60 and he called. I showed it and he mucked after the turn and river were dealt (everyone in LA waits to show their cards until all the cards are out). Turns out the guy was really loose aggressive and terrible the more I observed him through the night.

I cashed out at 3:30am and went to look for the bonus holdem game in hopes they were running a $5 minimum. They were running the $10 game just like in Lake Charles so I walked back across the street and snuck back into the room.

The next morning we all wake up at 8am and Kristina says "man those people next door to us woke me up when they brought the party back at 5am." I said "I brought it back at 4am". None of them had a clue I was ever out of the room. :)


Royal Flush!

This is for anyone who's never seen a royal flush! It's Christmas Day, just before we're about to eat. I'm in my grandmother's living room watching Iron Man, just goofing around, and then I got dealt pocket Queens.

Full Tilt Poker Game #9683352535: Table Armin (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 18:06:26 ET - 2008/12/25
Seat 1: Dray ($10.20)
Seat 2: Tomps ($2.60)
Seat 3: imawinnababy ($10)
Seat 4: sBad aam ($3.85)
Seat 5: unique777 ($7.70)
Seat 6: Knavish Jivey ($9.80)
unique777 posts the small blind of $0.05
Knavish Jivey posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qs Qh]
Dray raises to $0.40
Tomps folds
imawinnababy folds
sBad aam calls $0.40
unique777 has 15 seconds left to act
unique777 folds
Knavish Jivey has 15 seconds left to act
Knavish Jivey folds
*** FLOP *** [Ah 4d Th]
Knavish Jivey is sitting out
Knavish Jivey stands up
Dray checks
sBad aam bets $0.30
Dray calls $0.30
*** TURN *** [Ah 4d Th] [Jh]
Dray checks
sBad aam bets $1.30
Dray raises to $9.50, and is all in
sBad aam calls $1.85, and is all in
Dray shows [Qs Qh]
sBad aam shows [Ts Ac]
Uncalled bet of $6.35 returned to Dray
*** RIVER *** [Ah 4d Th Jh] [Kh]
Dray shows a Royal Flush
sBad aam shows two pair, Aces and Tens
Dray wins the pot ($7.10) with a Royal Flush
sBad aam is sitting out
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $7.85 | Rake $0.75
Board: [Ah 4d Th Jh Kh]
Seat 1: Dray showed [Qs Qh] and won ($7.10) with a Royal Flush
Seat 2: Tomps didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: imawinnababy didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: sBad aam (button) showed [Ts Ac] and lost with two pair, Aces and Tens
Seat 5: unique777 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: Knavish Jivey (big blind) folded before the Flop


Hellmuth busts from Five Diamond WPT with.....

Pulled from Cardplayer's live updates:

Phil Hellmuth Eliminated

A player raised in early position to 11,000 and Phil Hellmuth called from the big blind. The flop came Ad Ah 9d with and both players checked. The turn was the 6d and Hellmuth checked. His opponent bet 18,000 and Hellmuth moved in for a total of 60,000. His opponent called and showed A8 for trip aces. Hellmuth showed 7d 4d for a flush but the river was the 9h double pairing the board and giving his opponent a full house, eliminating Hellmuth.

He even had my favorite suit!

Sunday year long results

I started out the year with a goal in mind: keep track of everyone's results in our Sunday home games. Most of my friends do not track their results when they play cards either live or online. We're all recreational players despite how seriously we like to take ourselves and our game approach. I just got into the habit of tracking my stats a couple of years ago when I wanted to get serious and honest about my online play.

So I thought it would be nice to get a realistic picture of who's winning and who's losing in our home games, instead of just focusing on me. It's not that hard to do, really. I just took a piece of paper and kept track of how much everyone was in for, and what they cashed out for. After that it's simple math.

I'm happy to report that I was a winner in both cash games and tournaments. In cash, I finished up about $140, or 7 average buyins of $20 (sometimes we play $40 games). I took 2nd in our heads up tourney in April for $40 profit and 2nd in Craig's first Friday tourney for an $80 profit.

Biggest winner of the year was Jason by far, and it all came from cash games. In looking at the spreadsheet I made he really only had one bad session. He had two awesome sessions (as did I, and they rule BTW) and the rest of the time he ground out at LEAST a buyin if not two.

Other winners included Bruce, Pat, Herby and Patrick Lantz. The guys who took the biggest hits were Craig, Rob and Dave.

But I'll qualify all these stats with this: We only had 16 cash game sessions and 3 tourneys which isn't a big sample of hands even for a years worth of time. Plus, some guys played more sessions that others. Variance can easily affect any of these results and I intend to continue the stats tracking for 2009. It should be fun to see what next December will bring. I just want to be in the black again, even if it's for $20. :)

Because in the end, we're not congregating to destroy each other. It's really about coming together and enjoying each other's company while sharing a game we all enjoy. I'm very grateful to have a great group of guys to play with and compete against.


I may not have lost as much as Pokertracker tells me

I've made the recent discovery that Pokertracker version 2 doesn't recognize hands where someone disconnects or requests time. So I'm slowly going to go back over every damn file that I have for the last few months to delete these lines out of them. That way I can have an accurate portrait of wins/losses. Of course I could figure out the dollar amount in my excel sheet, but I'm more interested in my playing stats. I'm at 16K right now, closer to my goal of 20K. Then I'll take a look and see where my leaks are.

Had a few good sessions this week, not last night though. Lost 1 1/2 buyins due to set over set, cracked aces, some runners and some bad play early on from me. Meh.

I'll make it up. I feel I'm getting my patience back at the table, and I'm doing better at paying attention to what's happening. Haven't been playing too many SNG's because I've been doing the late night thing and it just doesn't fly. I'm too tired for it and I'm always falling asleep in the middle of them, so I'm deliberately playing cash for that reason. If I fall asleep and time out, I'm not losing anything.



It seems like every time I start up a cash game session now I lose either a full stack or half of one and spend the next X amount of hours trying to break even. It pisses me off that I have to table select at nickel dime cash games because there are so many people playing 8 tables of it.

My account is now below $200 again after being at $700+ in August. I'm close to 20K hands at nickel/dime and I'm down 8 buyins. It makes me sick that I can't beat the lowest level cash game online, even when half the table are loose passive calling stations playing 50% of their hands. I'm card dead and can't bluff them so I sit for hours at a time waiting to connect with SOMETHING I can win a pot with.

When I do get a hand I can't fucking let it go because I've waited for so long to even get something remotely playable. It makes me feel like the biggest weak/tight fish at the table.

I sat down and actually analyzed November's stats and I was a small winner in cash games, a buyin maybe so I guess there's hope. I know my best session this week was at the station where I made $20 in 15 minutes because I had cards, but I didn't save that hand history to Pokertracker at home. But in looking at what I lost overall I can easily say that half of it was playing the $11 midnight madness tournament 4 times.

So as of now I'm restricting myself to nickel/dime (possibly half buyins because of my low roll) and $2.25 sngs. That's it. If I want to play multitable tourneys or satellites, they will be for points and points only.


Nothing's funnier than timely photoshops

Stiffed by Moneymaker Gaming

Read this post yesterday and checked back on it again this afternoon. You can read the whole thing if you want but I'll sum it up best I can:

- Original poster busted Chris Moneymaker from a live $500 tournament and was promised a 10K package to the Playboy mansion for doing so.

- OP couldn't go and wanted to get cash for it instead and was given the runaround for a year by Moneymaker Gaming, his company that sponsored the tournament, after being promised cash by one of their reps.

- OP makes the post linked above. Moneymaker takes notice, investigates, resolves the issues, but also posts his email response on the thread that includes this juicy tidbit:

Instead of posting your frustration with Moneymaker Gaming you should be sending Dan a fruit basket for Christmas as if it wasn’t for him you would not be receiving the $4,500.

- Dan is the employee that promised the OP cash, but apparently he wasn't supposed to which is why Moneymaker's defending him. He's saying Dan did the OP a favor he never should have in the first place, hence the fruit basket.

So I scroll down further reading more responses from 2+2 and then this pops up on my screen and I LOL in the cube at work on lunch break.


Washington Post Articles

Here are a couple of articles about the cheating scandals and the legality of online poker in the US:

Prohibition vs. Regulation Debated As U.S. Bettors Use Foreign Sites

Players Gamble on Honesty, Security of Internet Betting

I watched 60 minutes last night and it was OK. The most interesting part to me was seeing the people and places of the poker news stories the last couple of years; the non-descript offices of the Kanawhake (sp?) Gaming Commission and where the Absolute offices in Costa Rica are. The 2+2 community is really pissed about the multiple references to online poker being "illegal" when it techincally isn't. I don't really care. I don't think it's going to make a lick of difference about anything. They named Russ Hamilton in the story but it seems clear he's not going down for any of the scamming on UB, so big whoop.

Yet ANOTHER example of overcard+flush draw missing twice

Full Tilt Poker Game #9259362780: Table Gordo (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:35:58 ET - 2008/12/01
Seat 1: mixxman ($11.10), is sitting out
Seat 2: BabaBubu ($10)
Seat 3: Cohete Punch ($10)
Seat 4: Dray ($10.65)
Seat 5: lopezer85 ($10.25)
Seat 6: KillerWeed20 ($13.95)
Cohete Punch posts the small blind of $0.05
Dray posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qd 3d]
lopezer85 calls $0.10
KillerWeed20 folds
BabaBubu folds
Cohete Punch adds $0.05
Cohete Punch folds
Dray checks
*** FLOP *** [2s Jd 8d]
Dray checks
lopezer85 bets $0.25
Dray raises to $0.75
lopezer85 calls $0.50
*** TURN *** [2s Jd 8d] [4h]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets $0.95
lopezer85 calls $0.95
*** RIVER *** [2s Jd 8d 4h] [Ks]
Dray checks
lopezer85 checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [Qd 3d] King Queen high
lopezer85 shows [Tc Jh] a pair of Jacks
lopezer85 wins the pot ($3.30) with a pair of Jacks
Dray adds $1.15
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $3.65 | Rake $0.35
Board: [2s Jd 8d 4h Ks]
Seat 1: mixxman is sitting out
Seat 2: BabaBubu (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: Cohete Punch (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Dray (big blind) showed [Qd 3d] and lost with King Queen high
Seat 5: lopezer85 showed [Tc Jh] and won ($3.30) with a pair of Jacks
Seat 6: KillerWeed20 didn't bet (folded)