
Sunday year long results

I started out the year with a goal in mind: keep track of everyone's results in our Sunday home games. Most of my friends do not track their results when they play cards either live or online. We're all recreational players despite how seriously we like to take ourselves and our game approach. I just got into the habit of tracking my stats a couple of years ago when I wanted to get serious and honest about my online play.

So I thought it would be nice to get a realistic picture of who's winning and who's losing in our home games, instead of just focusing on me. It's not that hard to do, really. I just took a piece of paper and kept track of how much everyone was in for, and what they cashed out for. After that it's simple math.

I'm happy to report that I was a winner in both cash games and tournaments. In cash, I finished up about $140, or 7 average buyins of $20 (sometimes we play $40 games). I took 2nd in our heads up tourney in April for $40 profit and 2nd in Craig's first Friday tourney for an $80 profit.

Biggest winner of the year was Jason by far, and it all came from cash games. In looking at the spreadsheet I made he really only had one bad session. He had two awesome sessions (as did I, and they rule BTW) and the rest of the time he ground out at LEAST a buyin if not two.

Other winners included Bruce, Pat, Herby and Patrick Lantz. The guys who took the biggest hits were Craig, Rob and Dave.

But I'll qualify all these stats with this: We only had 16 cash game sessions and 3 tourneys which isn't a big sample of hands even for a years worth of time. Plus, some guys played more sessions that others. Variance can easily affect any of these results and I intend to continue the stats tracking for 2009. It should be fun to see what next December will bring. I just want to be in the black again, even if it's for $20. :)

Because in the end, we're not congregating to destroy each other. It's really about coming together and enjoying each other's company while sharing a game we all enjoy. I'm very grateful to have a great group of guys to play with and compete against.

1 comment:

sydney said...

hee hee that's so awesome! I need to find a group to play with like yours. It's tough when you're a woman though..don't know why, but it really is a game dominated by men.