
Washington Post Articles

Here are a couple of articles about the cheating scandals and the legality of online poker in the US:

Prohibition vs. Regulation Debated As U.S. Bettors Use Foreign Sites

Players Gamble on Honesty, Security of Internet Betting

I watched 60 minutes last night and it was OK. The most interesting part to me was seeing the people and places of the poker news stories the last couple of years; the non-descript offices of the Kanawhake (sp?) Gaming Commission and where the Absolute offices in Costa Rica are. The 2+2 community is really pissed about the multiple references to online poker being "illegal" when it techincally isn't. I don't really care. I don't think it's going to make a lick of difference about anything. They named Russ Hamilton in the story but it seems clear he's not going down for any of the scamming on UB, so big whoop.

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