
Blogging through phone call ONSLAUGHT

I know I've been neglecting this thing for over a week. Haven't been playing a lot online and what I have been I've been losing for the most part.

I kicked ass two Sundays ago in our home game taking home an 8 buyin profit and damn near breaking the game. That's the benefit of playing .10/.20 cash games with guys who routinely play 1/2. They're not afraid to blow through 80 bucks. :) Played again this past weekend because Nick was in town for his birthday. This time HE was the 8 buyin profiteer, and he pointed out that it's the same weekend a year later when we were in LA for my bachelors weekend and he kicked ass then too. So we've both figured out that the later part of the year we seem to run better. I was happy for him, although I wasn't happy when I donked off quite a bit of money with AQ top pair in pineapple to his set of Jacks.

I'm still sitting on my live roll to go play just waiting on the right timing but I'm definitely more confident than I was a week and a half ago. 8 buyin profit session will do that to you I guess.

Congrats to my good friend Pat the professional online plo grinder. That same Sunday I was wrecking shop he made a 5K score in a Stars tourney, and then made an additional 1500 right after in the cash games. So he shipped me the 50 I lent him a while back to run up for me. We're planning on coordinating playing a medium stake tourney together. I'm not going to keep notes on Stars unless I get a decent roll going there. It's a pain in the ass keeping track of more than one site. :)

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