
Brad Booth story

Was perusing the Pokerroad forums and found this gem of a story about Brad Booth that Shronk the producer posted:

This is from '06. Huff and I are playing 1-3 at the Wynn. Brad is playing in some other higher game.

Brad gets involved in a preflop raising war with a guy; they are both really deep. Brad eventually moves in on the guy. After a few minutes go by and the guy is still in the tank, Brad asks the floor if he can show his hand. For some reason they say he can't. Brad takes out his phone, lifts up his hole cards and snaps a picture. He slides the camera across the table to the guy, who looks at the picture showing Brad's A-A and he folds.

A little bit later, Brad tells Scott and me, "That picture was from months ago."

F-ing brilliant. I'm going to try and post more entries like these in addition to recaps of tournaments and cash games. BTW just played a $2.25 "Matrix" SNG where you play 4 tables at a time against the same players and points are awarded based on how high you finish, how many people you outlast, how many you knockout. Best I did on any one table was a 2nd place. I ended up getting like .85 cents back. Weeeee!

It was kind of fun but I'm not rushing to play another one any time soon.

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