
What's the best play?

Well I was first out of Craig's $20 deep stack freezout tonight. Got a little chips early with TT against Kyle and this other guy Ryan on my left. I played it agressive 3 betting preflop and raising Kyle's flop probe bet when it was like 9 7 2 with two hearts.

Lost most of them to Kyle in a hand where I picked up KK. He raised to 300 with blinds at 50/100. I raised to 1100 and he thinks then 4 bets it to 3K. I have position on him and he's left himself with 6K and some change behind.

I don't know Kyle's game all that well but I at least know he's not crazy loose. Probably fairly straightforward but with a little gamble in him from time to time. I think about whether I want to shove or call. I decide to call because I think it's the best play. I'm either way behind or way ahead here and since he's 4 bet I can expect him to bet just about any low flop.

Flop is A Q x. He leads for 3K, about half of his stack.

I didn't think about this long but that flop really narrows the fuck out of his range. AK has me beat now in addition to Queens. I really don't see him betting this flop with JJ or a pair lower. I can't say he 4 bet me with KQ.

But I just mentally got married with my hand and put him in and he flipped over AK. :/

Luckily the tourney was deepstacked so I had about 1700 left and was able to double up with KJo against TT. Flop was T x x with 3 spades and I had the Ks. Spade hits turn and river bricks.

Then I pick up JJ and raise one loose limper up to 600. Girl in the sb calls and so does the limper. Flop is 2 3 5. Girl leads for 200, Ben calls. I shove for $3,050 more. She reluctantly calls after some thought and tables A6o. Turn is 2. River A. And that was that!

Just lost a buyin and a half playing cash online since I've been back. It's ok though I'm really focused on racking up those hands for my pokertracker sample. Got 300 in about an hour and half. :) Good night!

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