
Lets get it on August!

So this weekend was the best weekend of the entire fucking year! Got a $26 token on Saturday before work. Went to work and made 5th out of 90 in a KO tourney. That was good for a $144 payday plus $16 for the 4 people I knocked out. Big luckbox moment of this tourney was shoving T5o against the bb from sb after it was folded around late. I get snap called by A8o and I hit my 5 and hold. :) I have to say there was slight disappointment in not getting a little further and richer, but not that much.

Yesterday I'm at my inlaws and hop online. I'm looking at what FTOPS tourneys are left and there's the $322 1.5mil guarantee hosted by Eric Seidel. But there's only about an hour and a half before it starts so satellite selection wasn't much. But I saw a $12 6 max turbo double shootout. Winner got the seat and 2-4 got cash.

It was a LUCKFEST and I was the benefactor. :) I hit at least 3 or 4 big suckout cards to stay alive. QJ>QQ for a 4 card straight to split. I know once I was down maybe 2 blinds, put in with K8 and got called in two spots. Hit my 8 on the flop, then one guy bets the turn to push the other out and he's got top pair Ace and I spike the 8 on the river. There was a big hand the 2nd game when we were 3 handed I came over the top of a button raiser with AJ and he had AQ. We flopped the A plus a board pair. Then I turned the J. Woot!

So yeah another $322 to the $144 from earlier. I was very tempted to play the tourney, and if I was at my house I probably would have. But since I was at my inlaws and the money represented a 100% bankroll boost I took the tourney dollars. I really want to play the FTOPS main event on Sunday so I'm going to be using those tourney bucks to try and satellite in.

Lets get it going August!

1 comment:

Benny said...