
Lonestar baby yeah.

OK so I work for the Fantasy Poker League which was one of two operating bar leagues here in the Austin area. Last year our competitor bought us up, and since then a new league with the OLD TFPL employees formed and our now our main competitors. ANYWAYS

Lonestar Poker has a championship every month with a 1k first prize and I've been wanting to try and qualify to get in forever. I can never get out to play though, and usually if I can it's late in the month so it's pointless. Well I FINALLY got to a game, and guess what I won!

Some key hands....lemme think.

I didn't really get much going in the first hour but probably the first hand after break I more than doubled up with A5 in the bb. Flopped top and bottom two pair and got a big stack with A7 to pay me.

Then I kind of sat around waiting for my spot to pick. Got down to two tables and came over the top of Tamra, who had an assload of chips, preflop with JJ. Took out a shorter stack that hand who had Kx. Turn outs Tamra folded K9 and would have rivered trip nines on me. I think I've got a bunch of fold equity against her nowadays because I doubled through her at one of my tourneys where I shoved AT and she called on a bigstack with QT. I've been reminding her of it ever since. :)

That's pretty much all I do in these games. Blinds are so high it's shove or fold preflop most of the time.

Got to the final table with just over 30k with blinds at 2/4k. One significant hand was where I was on the button and I accidentally flipped up a guys K while dealing so it became the first burn. Well the guy utg opened up for a little less than half his stack. It folds to me and I look @ ATo with a couple left behind me and I'm seriously thinking about shoving. I fold and the big stack calls with A9 and wins the hand with A high, so I would've won b/c the original raiser had KJ or something like that. I was like why did you raise when you already saw the K turned up?!?!??!

Got my momentum by shoving with Q7 preflop in ep with 21k when blinds were at 3/6k. Ran into aces, but cracked em with a Q on the flop and another on the turn. I survived and one round shoved two hands in a row. Once with 44 and the next with AK. Took the blinds down both times.

I let others take each other out to move up. Got down to three of us and I had one guy that was superagressive and had been wielding a big stack from the beginning of the game. But I noticed at the final table that he was starting to tighten up more becuase nobody really has a big stack with 3/6k.

One of my best hands was when I was in the bb and this guy is on my right counting my chips to see how much I have behind me. I had about 47 total at the time and I said to him "if you want to put me all in you just have to bet 50k". He was very deliberate most of the tourney and after playing with his chips he just called. So naturally, I shoved as soon as he did that. He folded (I had J9).

Finally took the other guy out who was really erratic. Like one hand he limped in the sb and the bb reraised him 10k, so he rereaised him with 64o. He ended up winning that hand. And then he basically called all in with K5o preflop once againts AK and hit the damn 5 to stay alive. He basically went a lot further than he should have. I took him out with AJs, he had shoved preflop and I had him covered by 20k so I called hoping I had him dominated. I did, he turned over KJ and I didn't get unlucky!

There was another hand earlier actually where I shoved with KTo, and BOTH of them got all in too. One had J9 the other KT so I was in BADASS shape. I also did not get unlucky (could you have guessed)?

Heads up was funny because it only lasted one hand. Having a significant chip lead I just called the sb. The guys sitting there playing with his chips, thinking, and I say "we haven't seen a flop in a while" which gets him to check. ;) Sweet I have K9 and the flop comes 9 high. He checks, I push all in and he calls with KT. I have dominated and there is no ten for him!

So that earned me 100 points. Hopefully I can make it out another Friday night, score another top finish and get into that $1500 freeroll championship. I'm tired and in bed with the laptop but I'm still gonna get on Full Tilt in a bit and play a SNG. Peace out nakkas.

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