
Better weekend

Saturday was a very good day for me in online poker. I had a good cash game session in the afternoon where I made about $25 on the .5/.10 pot limit 6 max table. I had lost about $7 on Friday night so it wasn't THAT much profit but hey I'll take it. There was one big hand I probably didn't really deserve to win where I had AK and the board had 3 of the same cards on it. I kept betting into this guy and he kept calling me down and I really didn't think he had a pair because he'd have raised. And if he did have a pair it was lower than the other cards on the board so I thought I could make him fold. Turns out he had AJ and called off all his chips with no pair, just Ace high. Free money! Thanks you stupid moron!

There was one hand I got a compliment on where I had 44 in ep and raised it up to .35 preflop and got a couple of callers. The board comes 4 2 6. I led at the pot and got one caller. Turn brought a 3, making four cards to a straight out there. The guy checked and I absolutely hated that card because I know at this level there are plenty of idiots who would draw to that gutshot with a 5 in their hand. So I checked behind, the other player has about $5 left. The river brings another 3 so I've boated now. He leads out for roughly $2, and I shove on him and he calls. Sure enough he hit that gutshot on the turn and paid for his slowplay. The guy on my left said I played the hand very well, and quite frankly I have to agree. I might have called a small bet on the river even if I hadn't boated, though.

I went to work at the radio station Saturday night and I wasn't going to play any online poker because I had lost a good chunk the previous Saturday night while I was working. But my fiance' asked me why I wouldn't play when I told her my plans and so I decided well if she doesn't think twice about it, then I guess I'll maybe play one or two. So I entered a $5 45 man and took that bitch down for a cool $85. That put me back up to about $425 or so.

So like I said in my early posts last week, I knew I was going to bounce back and I knew I would take down another one of these tourney's. I just need to continue to stick to the game plan and quit if I lose 10% of my roll in any 24 hour period. $10 cash game, $5 sngs and the occasional shot at a token after some really good results like I had.

I do have to admit I'd really LOVE to satellite into one of the big weekly tourneys soon. That 500K guarantee on Sunday's is so alluring to me, just cashing in that tourney would be a good payday. Final table??? Fuggidddabbouuutttittt. That's going to be a goal of mine for the year: satellite into the big Sunday guarantee. I won't say cashing because that's going to be hard and I doubt I'll be able to make into the tourney more than 2 or 3 times. But just to get in, either through a cheap supersatellite or using a $26 token or something would be an accomplisment to me. Everything after would be up to the poker gods.

One last thing. I'm really going to try and cut back my online time to 10 hours. It's going to be hard but what I'm going to attempt is to relegate my play moreso to the weekends and less during the week. I think Sharkscope stats showed my weekend results being better than during the week anyway. So probably at most I'll get in 2-3 hours during the week and then put in some longer sessions on Saturdays and Sundays.

Ok back to work. Peace out!

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