
I feel sick

Well, it was not a good weekend for poker. I think my Friday night was the catalyst. I went to Clicks to try and make decent points again to qualify for the Lone Star TOC, but fell just short of the final table. I played a pretty good tournament with the exception of the last hand, which I still don't think I played too bad. Basically this tricky/passive player limped in ep, but I didn't realize it so when it was folded to me in the sb with AT I thought it was a battle of the blinds. So with the blinds at 500/1000 I raised to 3k. BB folded and then I realized that the other player was in. He called the 2k. Flop comes 9 6 2. I've got 9k, there's 6 in the pot. Passive player has me covered but not by a whole lot. I shove, and he thinks about it for like 2 minutes and finally calls, turning over T9o having me COMPLETELY dominated (of course he as the dominated one going to the flop). The only mistake I feel I made in the hand was not raising enough preflop, but had I realized he was in the hand I'd have made it 4k and not 3k. I don't feel bad about the flop shove because it's so unlikely that board hit him, and I almost made him lay it down. Oh well I'll have to qualify this Friday instead.

Summary of this weekend's online activity:

Cash game - lost $28.10
SNG's - Failed to cash in 3 $11 games, one 9 man; 2 45 man. Also a $5 45 man as well.
Tokens - Lost 1 in a WSOP satellite, another trying to win a $75 token; I did earn another one yesterday and then used it to enter a double stack guarantee tourney which I didn't cash in either. Entered a $6.90 heads up shootout for another token and made it to the 2nd round but the lost that one.
MTT - Entered a $5.50. Place 177/492. No $$ :(

Overall I lost about $100 online over the weekend which makes me sick to my stomach. It's just bringing back bad memories of when I won that $5.50 MTT last year and subsequently lost all that money. My balance is now down to 335.83 when two weeks ago I won that Tier 3 it was at $487.

Did I go on tilt a little? Maybe a little. However, I did follow the Ferguson bankroll rules by not putting more than 5% at risk at any one time. However, Saturday and Sunday I did lose more than 10% each day and that's the part I forgot to pay attention to. Had I taken more care of what I was doing I'd have only lost $80 instead of $100.

Probably the worst hand I played was yesterday's cash game. I slowplayed a flopped set of JJ on a dangerous board against two players and the one that was drawing hit the river and broke me. I then subsequently lost $20 more in that game from cold decks. Same guy cracked my AA with T7o by flopping trips and turning a boat. He slowplayed me all the way down. I lost the other 10 with AQ tptk, someone else slowplayed KK to the river on me. :(

I think the game that's irking me the most is the MTT though. I swear if I get a big stack early in these things it just spells certain doom for me. I jumped from like 1500 to 5000 early on by hitting a set with 99 and taking out all these morons. But I was out shortly after the first break. :( I swear I had like 3 str8/flush draws and missed every time. And I played them all pretty cheaply/passively so as not to committ too many chips, but damn you'd think I'd hit at least one freakin flush draw!

Anyways, I just sent my laptop off to HP to get the monitor cable fixed so the opportunity to tilt off any more $ will be very limited for the next week and a half. Probably a very good thing. We'll see how I handle the withdrawals. LOL

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