
I feel so unsatisfied.

This is the 2nd night in the row I'm making a solid run in a decent sized tournament field. It's really sick how well it seems I'm running with the little I'm playing.

I just got 21/351 players in a $5.50 regular MTT. Last night I took 15/244 in a $2.25 deepstack turbo MTT. Then I checked last months excel sheet and I see 24/691 , 19/368 , 28/377. Then of course I took 2nd in a 90 man as well good for $50 profit.

With the exception of the 90 man all these close but no cigar runs are difficult to swallow. I really thought that coming up short in the last 4 runs tonight's $5.50 would have been better. The Dray Days Twitter page has all the updates as I played it through so I won't rehash hands but it's like I always say: if you're going to run good in a tournament, do it at the end.

I will always carry reservations when I run great early or midway through tourneys. Historically any time I've won or final tabled something big it's been tight play followed by a good run down the stretch. Maybe I shouldn't think negatively but it's based on history what can I say?

Besides fun poker tournaments online I've had a great weekend so far. I got to spend quite a bit of good quality time with Kristina as she's now in her 9th month of pregnancy officially. With my schedule it's kind of lame that even when I'm off I end up sleeping a large portion of her Wednesday's off. We're managing though and I'm still keeping my fingers crossed that some kind of schedule change is coming. I have a resume submitted for Billing at work which is M-F but it's been 2 weeks and I haven't even heard about an interview. :(

My old boss at KTSW sent me an email about a job opening at Clear Channel this week. It's an audio design engineer position producing commercials and promotions for the cluster of Austin stations they own. I went to Mix today and burned off everything that I produced when I was unemployed and able to pick up hours working in that department.

Came back home and earlier tonight made my first production demo with short clips of several different projects to try and show my "range". I probably listened to it 30 times after finishing it. Did my cover letter and resume and sent them in with the mp3, so now all I can do is hope. A steady full time radio gig and in production would be an AMAZING opportunity to learn and grow.

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