
April SNG results

So April was a really good month overall thanks to my MTT successes. A 90 man win and 3rd in a 180 man. Then there was that 7th place close call followed by rant post a few days ago. And just tonight it looked like I'd get there again but busted 14th. :/

SNGs I was a slight loser this month:

83 sngs X 2.25 = $186.75

9 wins x 9 = $81

12 2nds X 5.40 = $64.80

8 3rds X 3.60 = $28.80

2 ?'s (ftp server outage) = $10.48

$185.08 total returned
Profit - ($1.67)

83 sngs, 31 cashes, 37% cash rate

I was up further in my overall balance but I took a shot the other night in a $26 Knockout 90 man and busted, although I did get a $4 discount with the one bounty I collected.

It's late I'm about to crash. I just want to say that Kristina and I went to see George Clinton on Wednesday night and we weren't really impressed at all. We partially blame ourselves because we're not willing to get up front with the crowd to really experience the show which would probably have made it better.

All the characters on stage were pretty damn funny I'll admit, but even watching from the back of Stubbs to see the entire stage there's so much going on it's hard to even know what to pay attention to.

My biggest problem with the show though was just the songs went so long and even though it's apparent that the musicians are really skilled in the band, 10 minute solos on every other song just gets old. The absolute best part of the show was when he brought the newest member singer Mary Griffin who absolutely KILLED it with a more bluesy song, which they followed up with Give Up the Funk. But the rest of the time we both found ourselves easily distracted with whatever else was happening in the venue.

But I always wanted to see Parliament so now I can say I have and I doubt I'll pay the $ to go again.

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