
New strategy for Feb

I'll make this quick because I've been on the 'puter for an hour while me and Kristina are watching Tyra (don't laugh). I was online last night and was reading up on bankroll management. I popped over to the beginners questions on 2+2 and found links under the heading "What is bankroll management". The person posted a thread about cash games on Full Tilt and that the rake is so high, you shouldn't even play the $10 games if you want to make money. It's really impossible to beat.

However, he DID say that if you have 40 buyins for SNGs to play those. So as of today, I'm cutting out cash games completely online and playing nothing but $2.25 SNGs. As far as tournaments go they offer the best value for your dollar because 33% of the field is going to get paid. In big multitable tourneys, usually only 10% is getting paid and there's so much variance.

Right now I've got about 55 buyins with a balance of $130ish. My SNG records for the last couple of months haven't been too great, but I think that may have a lot do with a lack of concentration. I'm going to really try and focus when I'm playing this month, get a good # of games in, and we'll have to see what happens.

1 comment:

*Lin* said...

GL, GL... missed you last night... we had between 5 & 9 players, had a $20 tourney, a little 10-25 cent cash game, and then a $5 tournament (a couple of people had never played before & wanted to learn... we're talking serious newbs... asked which direction to deal, asked which was higher, an A or a 2, & thought they had a flush when they had all black cards...) No luck for us, but it was a fun time.