
Pleasant surprise

I was at my in laws yesterday perusing the boards and blogs. I popped on over to see if Annette had posted anything new and it turns out last month she wrote an entry linking a lot of blogs that have links to hers.

Lo and behold in the US section I saw "Dray". :) It was a really nice surprise. I'm a big Annette fan and I get excited anytime I find out she's deep in a tournament. When she won the WSOP Europe, I was watching live video feeds of the tourney all weekend long cheering her on. So it was very satisfying and exciting to find out she took down her first bracelet at the age of 19. It was really sweet to see her shed a few tears of joy behind her trademark glasses. All serious players out there can only dream of the moment they win a bracelet.

Check out her blog, she updates it about once a month. And watch out for her, in just a couple of more years she's going to tear the US tournament circuit UP.


*Lin* said...

i LOVE her!!!

Dray said...

I was banking on a comment from you with this post. :)

If one of us ever meets her, we've got to get an autograph for the other k?