
I think I'm done with free poker

and it has nothing to do with the caliber of player. I know some people like Bruce don't want to play because the players are so bad. That doesn't bother. I like playing with bad players because I feel I can exploit their mistakes, and I don't mind if their mistakes pay off in the short term. It only further cements that they will be long-time losers and, chances are, they'll never realize it either.

No the reason I'm done with this shit is the player's level of respect for one another. I'm tired of seeing assholes arguing and getting egotistical about a free fucking poker game. I had to sit next two players arguing and bitching last night and thank god I have an iPod now so I could just drown them the fuck out.

My new mantra in life is "I choose to be happy, instead of having to be right". I'm done fucking arguing with people about nothing that gets nowhere. I'm done trying to convince brick walls of anything. Instead I would rather be happy than expend energy trying to be right. If I know I'm right, that's all I need. I don't need to convince anyone else of it.

I was still pissed about all of this last night when I got home and in turn, pissed off Kristina. We both went to bed mad. I'm still mad this morning, but moreso about the end of my night than anything else. That's another new resolution I'm going to try to stick to: never bring the tilt home. I'm going to try and expend all the negative energy before I step foot in my apartment. Because it's just fucking retarded that she's mad because I'm mad, and when I'm doing being mad, she's still mad that I was mad and now I'm mad again because you aren't getting over it.

Ack. Fuck this day.


3.30 KO Final Table Replay

Took 2nd in this on Saturday night at work. Almost took it down if it wasn't for that derned river card diamond. Posted it up for review on 2+2

Not sure when I'm going to throw down on that $1/2 game. I'm pretty sure I want to go on a Friday night when Kristina's working and at least have a shot at freeroll money before I sit. But then again I was thinking about maybe going down south to another room that's a little less professional, but they play .50/$1 which would be better for my "bankroll".

I'll try and keep this updated at least once a week.


Live fist pump call = thanks Rob!

Well it took a lot of patience on my part, but I was able to take down Craig's tourney on Friday night. It's all thanks in part to Robert "Badger" Purvis, whose blog titled "Today's Milk" I've just added to my links under poker blogs.

I had a lot of fun playing this tournament, and I was a motor mouth the entire night. Rob was at my table and I love the friendly competition. Honestly I don't know if I take any greater pleasure winning someone's chips more than I do this guy. :) But truth be told Rob, while he can be erratic and unpredictable, is one of the most gracious losers I've ever played with. That's something that cannot be said about our host or many other poker players.

So we started out the night where Rob tried to bluff Craig's mom (don't ever try this btw, it's impossible if she has any piece). Anyways on the river she checked, and Rob, with position, folded. I instantly started ragging on him for folding when he could've checked. But he had 7 high and didn't think there was any chance he was good. I said you never know, especially against Bonnie. :)

So anyways Rob started chipping up nicely and I in the meantime stayed pretty even for over an hour. And so being bored, not having hands to play, and bluffing being a futile exercise in this game I started talking smack. Rob loves smack. He loves weird smack that makes absolutely no sense. Anywho...I told Rob that I was going to do a "fist pump call" on him. This is a term that online players love to use, and it implies you knowing you're so incredibly good that you don't even have to think about the decision. You just call and give a fist pump. Maybe even a Pacino-esque hooha ala Scent of a Woman.

So the hand in question was where I raised KJo from middle position, Rob is in the big blind. At this point I'm about 25-30 big blinds deep, so in other words I need chips soon if I want to win. Rob defends with 92 and we're heads up. The flop is J 5 2. He thinks for about 2 seconds and shoves. I think for about 1 second and fist pump call him. (Rob stick with J5s next time buddy).

Anyways, I was joking with him after we went on break that if I won the tourney I'd thank him in my blog so here it is! THANK YOU BADGER! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME BUDDY!

If anyone actually reads my blog, be sure and check out his blog: "Today's Milk" which again I've added to my links on the right.

I had some really intersting action online this weekend too, but I'll save that for another blog later this week. Toodles!


Are you smoking yet?

The title above is a family guy reference from the episode where the a tobacco company takes over Peter's company. They have a clip of old school subliminal advertising in a Lassie episode where the guy comes in and says "Smoke" 2 times and then the final one he asks the title question. Hilarious..

The reason I bring it up was I decided to play the smoke/fire game with Bruce this past Sunday in our cash game and I started out well. But then that f-in luckbox started hitting fire (flop is all red) over and over again. And not only that but he kept hitting the bonuses when entire board was red. After he hit that like 3 times in 15 hands I finally opted out.

Obviously I haven't been inspired to write much at all. What can I say? I'm a fickle blogger. But honestly there hasn't been all THAT much to report. I'm down about $100 right now. However, I've been racking up the points as of late. I took down a 600 point 2 table SNG for 10K points last weekend. That put me up to 18K points.

That prompted me to buy a new flexfit hat with stitching. :) And now that I just got an IPOD for my birthday (thanks mom!). My new game plan is to get up to 25K points and order a customized baseball jersey. On the back I'm going to have Dray and the numbers 74, which is my favorite hand. It's going to be sooo sick. That way when I go out and public and say I have my favorite hand and someone asks what's that, I'll just stand up and turnaround. :) It's in the same spirit of the Fucking River shirt.

I played Water Tank last night and made 5th the first session which was cool. I was able to shove over and over to build a stack and stay in. Always love that. Didn't last long in the 2nd session. Came home and took down a 400 Point SNG for 3500 points bringing me back up to 18K points. Then put in some cash time. Here's a few hands where I bought it on the river:

Full Tilt Poker Game #8133481856: Table Gordo (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:02:45 ET - 2008/09/19
Seat 1: Blue1101 ($4)
Seat 2: Burro86 ($3.75)
Seat 3: jlmk ($15.40)
Seat 4: Dray ($9.25)
Seat 5: Phil Studman ($10)
Seat 6: tonytv6 ($6.15)
jlmk posts the small blind of $0.05
Dray posts the big blind of $0.10
5 seconds left to act
Blue1101 posts $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ad 2c]****
tonytv6 calls $0.10
Blue1101 checks
Burro86 raises to $0.20
jlmk folds
Dray calls $0.10
tonytv6 has 15 seconds left to act
tonytv6 raises to $0.30
Blue1101 folds
Burro86 calls $0.10
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray calls $0.10
*** FLOP *** [5d Kh 3h]
Dray checks
tonytv6 bets $0.20
Burro86 folds
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray calls $0.20
*** TURN *** [5d Kh 3h] [5c]
Dray checks
tonytv6 checks
*** RIVER *** [5d Kh 3h 5c] [6h]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets $1.45
tonytv6 has 15 seconds left to act
tonytv6 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.45 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot ($1.35)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $1.45 | Rake $0.10
Board: [5d Kh 3h 5c 6h]
Seat 1: Blue1101 folded before the Flop
Seat 2: Burro86 (button) folded on the Flop
Seat 3: jlmk (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Dray (big blind) collected ($1.35), mucked
Seat 5: Phil Studman is sitting out
Seat 6: tonytv6 folded on the River

Full Tilt Poker Game #8133632728: Table Gordo (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:17:46 ET - 2008/09/19
Seat 1: Blue1101 ($6.75)
Seat 3: iching64 ($10.25)
Seat 4: Dray ($10.45)
Seat 5: Phil Studman ($8.30)
Seat 6: tonytv6 ($6.30)
Phil Studman posts the small blind of $0.05
tonytv6 posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #4
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [4c 5s]****
Blue1101 folds
iching64 folds
Dray raises to $0.40
Phil Studman folds
tonytv6 calls $0.30
*** FLOP *** [Ks 6h As]
tonytv6 has 15 seconds left to act
tonytv6 checks
Dray bets $0.60
tonytv6 calls $0.60
*** TURN *** [Ks 6h As] [2h]
reno9one1 sits down
tonytv6 has 15 seconds left to act
tonytv6 checks
reno9one1 adds $3.40
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray checks
*** RIVER *** [Ks 6h As 2h] [7s]
tonytv6 has 15 seconds left to act
tonytv6 checks
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets $1.50
tonytv6 folds
Uncalled bet of $1.50 returned to Dray
Dray mucks
Dray wins the pot ($1.85)
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.05 | Rake $0.20
Board: [Ks 6h As 2h 7s]
Seat 1: Blue1101 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: iching64 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Dray (button) collected ($1.85), mucked
Seat 5: Phil Studman (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 6: tonytv6 (big blind) folded on the River

Way behind or way ahead hand:

Full Tilt Poker Game #8133887268: Table Gordo (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:45:29 ET - 2008/09/19
Seat 1: snark8199 ($14.20)
Seat 2: jAyEoNe ($8.45)
Seat 3: iching64 ($11.20)
Seat 4: Dray ($10.15)
Seat 5: Phil Studman ($8.30)
Seat 6: shigehito77 ($7.30)
snark8199 posts the small blind of $0.05
jAyEoNe posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #6
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Qs Js]****
iching64 folds
Dray calls $0.10
Phil Studman folds
shigehito77 folds
snark8199 folds
jAyEoNe checks
*** FLOP *** [4d 9s Qh]
jAyEoNe bets $0.25
Dray calls $0.25
*** TURN *** [4d 9s Qh] [5s]
jAyEoNe bets $0.75
Dray calls $0.75
*** RIVER *** [4d 9s Qh 5s] [6h]
jAyEoNe checks
Dray checks
*** SHOW DOWN ***
jAyEoNe shows [9c 8h] a pair of Nines
Dray shows [Qs Js] a pair of Queens
Dray wins the pot ($2.05) with a pair of Queens
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $2.25 | Rake $0.20
Board: [4d 9s Qh 5s 6h]
Seat 1: snark8199 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 2: jAyEoNe (big blind) showed [9c 8h] and lost with a pair of Nines
Seat 3: iching64 didn't bet (folded)
Seat 4: Dray showed [Qs Js] and won ($2.05) with a pair of Queens
Seat 5: Phil Studman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: shigehito77 (button) didn't bet (folded)

Big big hand:

Full Tilt Poker Game #8133941984: Table Gordo (6 max) - $0.05/$0.10 - No Limit Hold'em - 1:51:40 ET - 2008/09/19
Seat 1: snark8199 ($14.25)
Seat 2: jAyEoNe ($7.40)
Seat 3: iching64 ($11.25)
Seat 4: Dray ($11.10)
Seat 5: Phil Studman ($8.20)
Seat 6: gingernation ($9.90)
iching64 posts the small blind of $0.05
Dray posts the big blind of $0.10
The button is in seat #2
*** HOLE CARDS ***
Dealt to Dray [Ks 9c]
Phil Studman folds
gingernation calls $0.10
snark8199 calls $0.10
jAyEoNe folds
iching64 folds
Dray checks
*** FLOP *** [9s 8s 9h]****
Dray checks
gingernation bets $0.10
snark8199 has 15 seconds left to act
snark8199 calls $0.10
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray raises to $0.60
gingernation calls $0.50
snark8199 has 15 seconds left to act
snark8199 calls $0.50
*** TURN *** [9s 8s 9h] [8c]
Dray checks
gingernation checks
snark8199 has 15 seconds left to act
snark8199 bets $2
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray calls $2
gingernation folds
*** RIVER *** [9s 8s 9h 8c] [7d]
Dray has 15 seconds left to act
Dray bets $2.50
snark8199 has 15 seconds left to act
snark8199 calls $2.50
*** SHOW DOWN ***
Dray shows [Ks 9c] a full house, Nines full of Eights
snark8199 mucks
Dray wins the pot ($10.05) with a full house, Nines full of Eights
*** SUMMARY ***
Total pot $11.15 | Rake $1.10
Board: [9s 8s 9h 8c 7d]
Seat 1: snark8199 mucked [8h 7h] - a full house, Eights full of Nines
Seat 2: jAyEoNe (button) didn't bet (folded)
Seat 3: iching64 (small blind) folded before the Flop
Seat 4: Dray (big blind) showed [Ks 9c] and won ($10.05) with a full house, Nines full of Eights
Seat 5: Phil Studman didn't bet (folded)
Seat 6: gingernation folded on the Turn

Playing Craig's deep stack tourney tonight. I want to take this down for around $150-200 if I can and then take it to Alan's and run it up further in the cash game. We'll see!