
Live fist pump call = thanks Rob!

Well it took a lot of patience on my part, but I was able to take down Craig's tourney on Friday night. It's all thanks in part to Robert "Badger" Purvis, whose blog titled "Today's Milk" I've just added to my links under poker blogs.

I had a lot of fun playing this tournament, and I was a motor mouth the entire night. Rob was at my table and I love the friendly competition. Honestly I don't know if I take any greater pleasure winning someone's chips more than I do this guy. :) But truth be told Rob, while he can be erratic and unpredictable, is one of the most gracious losers I've ever played with. That's something that cannot be said about our host or many other poker players.

So we started out the night where Rob tried to bluff Craig's mom (don't ever try this btw, it's impossible if she has any piece). Anyways on the river she checked, and Rob, with position, folded. I instantly started ragging on him for folding when he could've checked. But he had 7 high and didn't think there was any chance he was good. I said you never know, especially against Bonnie. :)

So anyways Rob started chipping up nicely and I in the meantime stayed pretty even for over an hour. And so being bored, not having hands to play, and bluffing being a futile exercise in this game I started talking smack. Rob loves smack. He loves weird smack that makes absolutely no sense. Anywho...I told Rob that I was going to do a "fist pump call" on him. This is a term that online players love to use, and it implies you knowing you're so incredibly good that you don't even have to think about the decision. You just call and give a fist pump. Maybe even a Pacino-esque hooha ala Scent of a Woman.

So the hand in question was where I raised KJo from middle position, Rob is in the big blind. At this point I'm about 25-30 big blinds deep, so in other words I need chips soon if I want to win. Rob defends with 92 and we're heads up. The flop is J 5 2. He thinks for about 2 seconds and shoves. I think for about 1 second and fist pump call him. (Rob stick with J5s next time buddy).

Anyways, I was joking with him after we went on break that if I won the tourney I'd thank him in my blog so here it is! THANK YOU BADGER! BETTER LUCK NEXT TIME BUDDY!

If anyone actually reads my blog, be sure and check out his blog: "Today's Milk" which again I've added to my links on the right.

I had some really intersting action online this weekend too, but I'll save that for another blog later this week. Toodles!


rob said...

i really am a gracious loser - i get a lot of practice. but i could still strive to be a sore loser - if only inwardly, at least -- lying alone in a dark room at 3am after an evening of poker failure -- replaying hands in my head -- thinking, "What Would Dray Do?" -- sleepless -- each breath becoming shallower with each reconsidered reraise -- eyes wide open -- foam from the mouth -- pain from the soul.

Dray said...

Replaying hands and analyzing is one of the best ways to improve leaks in anyone's game. There's absolutely no shame in thinking about a thinking person's game.

And honestly nothing puts me off more than people that scoff at anyone actually trying to improve themselves. I liken it to the kids in school who think having a 3rd grade reading level their senior year in high school is "cool".