
I think I'm done with free poker

and it has nothing to do with the caliber of player. I know some people like Bruce don't want to play because the players are so bad. That doesn't bother. I like playing with bad players because I feel I can exploit their mistakes, and I don't mind if their mistakes pay off in the short term. It only further cements that they will be long-time losers and, chances are, they'll never realize it either.

No the reason I'm done with this shit is the player's level of respect for one another. I'm tired of seeing assholes arguing and getting egotistical about a free fucking poker game. I had to sit next two players arguing and bitching last night and thank god I have an iPod now so I could just drown them the fuck out.

My new mantra in life is "I choose to be happy, instead of having to be right". I'm done fucking arguing with people about nothing that gets nowhere. I'm done trying to convince brick walls of anything. Instead I would rather be happy than expend energy trying to be right. If I know I'm right, that's all I need. I don't need to convince anyone else of it.

I was still pissed about all of this last night when I got home and in turn, pissed off Kristina. We both went to bed mad. I'm still mad this morning, but moreso about the end of my night than anything else. That's another new resolution I'm going to try to stick to: never bring the tilt home. I'm going to try and expend all the negative energy before I step foot in my apartment. Because it's just fucking retarded that she's mad because I'm mad, and when I'm doing being mad, she's still mad that I was mad and now I'm mad again because you aren't getting over it.

Ack. Fuck this day.

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