
While Full Tilt's down...

I was just in the middle of 3 games and now Full Tilt's servers went down, so time to catch up.

The good luck last Saturday continued as I took down a $3.30 90 man while working at the station. That boosted my roll up to $250 and I haven't seen that much in my account since NOVEMBER. The one I took down was actually my 3rd shot after doing nothing and being card dead in my first two. I was thinking to myself, maybe 3rd time's the charm in the $3.30 when I entered the last one. The difference between the winning game and the first two? A fuck it mentality. Seriously. In turbo tournament poker, a little bit of fuck it goes a long way.

The hilarious hand that started my run was me reraising the guy on my right with AT and he calls. I hit nothing on the flop but my stack is just slightly over the pot size so when he checks, I just shove and he calls with T5 of hearts with 2 hearts on the board and misses. At the final table I remember winning a big coinflip with 66 against AK to get a decent stack. After that I just ran pretty hot.

It's almost tempting to start multitabling $5.50 SNGs now but I'm going to wait and work up the roll a little bit higher before going there. I'm sure the difficulty level is the same as $2.25's but I want the added protection. And since I've gone back to grinding the $2.25's I've been running/playing not so good.

Before FTP went down I was listening to the 2+2 poker podcast and they were talking about this clip of Annie Duke from the Celebrity Apprentice:

Umm that generated unpleasant images in my brain. I've never been that crazy about Annie Duke. She's one of the most well known female poker players but I really don't consider her to be THAT great. Plus I think she's pretty annoying personally. She gave an interview about the Ultimate Bet scandal on Pokerroad and she straight up filibustered them and wouldn't let them ask any questions. It was stupid.

My favorite female poker player is probably Kathy Liebert, even though some people think she's annoying. LOL Why she doesn't rub me the wrong way I don't know, I guess my respect level for her skill negates me caring about her personality. I've never gotten what the big deal is. Jennifer Harman's a close 2nd for fav female pro.

While we're on the subject if you've never seen this clip of Jennifer Tilly on Poker After Dark it's a classic you must know NOW:

Everyone's reaction to how bad she played the hand is what makes this so awesome. Harman looks disgusted, Lindgren looks like "Wow", and Ivey looks like half shock and half I'm trying so hard not to laugh my ass off.

One last thing, in poker news the WPT Championship is happening right now at the Bellagio. I honestly haven't been keeping up with many of the tourneys since I've been unemployed, but I checked in to see who's left and there are quite a few noticeable names including well known online players. Check it out.


Ak said...

I found you google searching ft down because i am currently being blinded out of my fat stack in midnite madness. Do you know if they refund buy-ins?

Anonymous said...

lol... i love that clip. Could you tell how nervous she was, with her deep breaths? And the look on Ivey's face was classic. However, didn't she do well that week?


Dray said...

AK> Yes they refund buyins. I actually made a little money in all the tourney's I was in. On my excel spreadsheet I have ? in the place of finishing spot.

Jason> Yeah her chest heaving and hoing bigtime. I've never actually watched that episode, but I'm pretty sure it's the same one where Lindgren goes off on Phil Gordon for being and idiot.