
Saturday's off to a good start

I've barely touched Full Tilt this week. Since last Saturday I played one 4-tabling round of SNGs. I've just been really busy working the temp call center job from 7-2:30. That schedule has me ready to crash anywhere from 10:30-Midnight. Tuesday night we also had our church small group meeting which went well. It was nice going to church this past Sunday and recognizing people from the group.

I probably could've stayed in and grinded a lot last night while Kristina closed at Old Navy but instead I invited Patrick over to spin some records. I really love that the speakers are working well thanks to me restripping the speaker wire when Eli came over a month ago. Long before I was obsessed with poker I was hooked on vinyl. Even though I've heard most of my records hundreds of times I still get the same joy from mixing and jamming out. Last Friday I had an hour and a half between work and meeting Kristina to get her hail damage appraised. I just came home and straight rocked it for the whole time and then headed out. The only greater satisfaction with DJ'ing is doing the same thing but in front of a crowd that gets it and loves it.

So anyways this morning Kristina's back at work and I just fired up a $5.50 18 man and took 2nd place, good for a $21 profit. My account balance this month started out at $133 and now it's up $187 so I'm definitely walking on sunshine so far today. I know $21 isn't anything to get giddy over in terms of itself, but in terms of percentage increase in my bankroll and that it's 3x the amount a $2.25 SNG win would get me it's a VERY nice boost.

Oh about the hail damage, State Farm's cut us a check for $3500 so we'll be shopping around for a used car in the coming weeks. Kristina came up with the brilliant idea of us keeping her car with the salvage title to it and using the money to get a 4 door that she'll need for the baby. So she'll get the four door and I'll start driving her Civic, which means we can kiss my piece of shit car goodbye!!!!!! And not only will I have a car with AC after being deprived for over 5 years, but all the stickers are updated so no more sweating close encounters with the police. And I imagine with the change in car status perhaps our insurance premiums will go down too.

No real advancements in the job search. As far as I know the temp job is over for now until they call me back, which could be on Monday if last time was any indicator. I do have a possible lead through one of Kristina's friends. Her fiancee knows a guy who's leaving next week and so as soon as he knows what I have to do to apply for the job they'll let me know. It's a good company with flexible schedules and good benefits and the job would be kind of an inventory clerk type deal. So I'm really keeping my fingers crossed that it will work out and we can get some kind of stability back in this sphere of life.

Don't forget to check the baby blog for updates about the pregnancy. We've got another appointment coming up this Wednesday afternoon! I'm officially excited for this baby now. :)

1 comment:

*Lin* said...

NICE break on the car drama!! & nice job with our common obsession :)