
Sorry to be negative

It's funny how the first blog of the year was so positive and full of energy and hope. Then it seems like every other entry after that has been complaint after complaint. I hate that I've become such a negative Nancy. I wish I could have the reaction to downswings like the CR pro's do and go "well that's unfortunate" and then keep going like nothing ever happened.

I like to think I take my lumps reasonably well. I've definitely gotten better over the last 3 years since I started playing. But when I'm losing consistently for a long stretch of time I really haven't mastered keeping a neutral demeanor.

I just feel like lately I have to get lucky to win even the hands where I'm a big favorite, not even just coinflips. Went and played at Merkaba last night and busted soon after it went to 1K/2K.

Came home and entered a $11 45 man SNG and barely played a hand until I went over the top with AK for about 18-20BB, called by KQ. Flop is K Q x. Turn x. River A. This is what I'm talking about. Next hand same player shoves utg for 10bb, I isolate with AQ and he shows A5 and hits the 5 on the flop. Last hand I shoved 10bb with AK in mp, and bb wakes up with KK. The end.

Arg. I'm really guilty about playing more when I'm losing too. I definitely have that compulsion to where I want to get it back as soon as I can after I lose it. Well, that's not true. I just always want to save face and end on a positive note. I don't feel like I have to get back to even before I can finish. I just want to win a hand or cash in a SNG or something to take the sting off.

I'm trying to get staked to go to New Orleans in May and play the WSOP circuit. We'll see what happens.

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