
Mindless poker

Super tired last night but I hopped on Full Tilt anyways and took a shot in a $26 45 man. No cash though. 21/45 I think. I totally goofed on one hand raising to 400 for a btn steal and then realized I had a ss on my left that only had like 500. I had Q2 and he shoved QJ so I had to call and didn't suck out. The only benefit I saw was now people might call my lighter and I can double up. That didn't happen unfortunately.

Last hand I shoved QT from mp and was called by 77. Flop missed, turn was the Q but the river a 7. Alas.

Maybe next time. I'm not going to use another token until I earn two more.

Had a good cash session this morning to put me back up to 600.

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