
New habit to employ

I downloaded Pokertracker a couple months ago, along with the trial version of PA HUD but have really failed to utilize it like I should. I think a good goal to have right now is to focus on getting a good sample of cash game hands, probably at 10NL and then evaluate leaks. Or at least get someone else to evaluate for me b/c I'm pretty intimidated by all the stats it spits out at you.

I never really like to play just one type of game online though. I'm almost always switching back and forth between cash games and sngs.

BTW I got a small BR boost with another affilliate deposit the other night. Still only puts me up to around 600 though. I'm sitting on one token, first one I've earned since the new update. Now when you get to the point where we all get a token it just shuts the tournament down so you don't have to shove every hand just to end it. I know I always say I'm going to save these up and try to use the tier system, but I think I'm really gonna try this time.

I feel like I'm off my satellite kick, which I think has been a major contributor to some of this downswing, and am ready to just focus on BR building again. I've been back to $5 and $10 45 mans, but only a 6th so far to show for it. Maybe if I get like 4 or 5 tokens I might take another shot at a DS 90 man turbo. That was how I bounced back at the beginning of February.

I'm still pissed that I took shots at 50NL when I shouldn't have, b/c otherwise I wouldn't be so low. I blame it all on Pat the online degenerate who made me jealous by running hot last month. I just had to try it for myself (which never works btw). And now he's subsequently lost all his profit because he has no sense of BR management whatsoever.

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